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гнусный adj.stresses
gen. vile; mean; flagitious; heinous; odious; slimy; wretched; hateworthy; abhorrent; invidious; knavish; picayune; villainous (о поступках); curst; desperate; dishonorable; dishonourable (о людях); disgraceful (Mermaiden); impure; picayunish; detestable; evil (Pickman); double-dyed (напр., название рассказа О'Генри "Double-Dyed Deceiver" переведено как "Гнусный обманщик"; ещё пример из О'Генри: "I'll expose you to-day, you – you double-dyed traitor," stammered Thacker.  VLZ_58); shoddy (Bullfinch); creepy (Sergei Aprelikov); vomitable (He later rejected the play, describing it as 'a low, black, dirty, blackguard, ragged piece: vomitable in many parts–simply vomitable. Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson VLZ_58); nasty (Tanya Gesse); scurrilous (ElenaStPb); of the worst kind (treason of the worst kind 4uzhoj); dishonourable; preposterous (Abysslooker); sneaky (Abysslooker); sordid (a sordid affair cambridge.org Shabe); crummy (Olya34); black; deuced; enormous; flagrant; graceless; base; abominable; ignoble; indign; infamous; low; nefarious; noisome; outrageous
Gruzovik hideous; foul
Игорь Миг hateful; ignominious; tawdry
amer. funky (о запахе; having an offensive odor; foul: a funky smell Interex)
arch., Makarov. cursed
austral., slang yukky
emph. rank
inf. lousy
obs. deused; hainous; odible; villanous
rude snotty (kee46)
slang ickie; icky; down and dirty; gucky (Interex); icky-poo (Interex); scrungy (Interex); skeevy (Interex); sleazoid (Interex); yucky (Interex); meanie (VLZ_58); cruddy (Interex)
stylist. nefariuos (samba)
uncom. foul (Стоит отметить, что слово fowl не означает птица, а используется в более редком значении гнусный или мерзкий. DrHesperus)
vulg. cock-sucking
гнусно adv.
gen. knavishly; enormously; gracelessly; blackly; foully; flagrantly; detestably; disgracefully; cursedly; beastly (Interex); infamously; invidiously; meanly; odiously; outrageously; hatefully; hideously; low
Gruzovik villainously; basely; heinously; abominably
econ. nefariously (berezhins)
obs. abhorrently; villanously
гнусно! adj.
slang ick! (Interex); yech! (Interex)
: 109 phrases in 13 subjects
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