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adjective | adverb | to phrases
глупый adj.stresses
gen. blate; hebetate; silly; beetle headed; bullish; buzzard; chuckle headed; driveling; drivelling; dullard; flashy; foggy; fool begged; foppish; gossamery; gross headed; half-wit; heavy; humdrum; maudlin; mopish; nias; nonsensitive; pig headed; puttock; single; stunted; unwitty; washy; half witted; lubberly; for birds; dumb (Example.....people vote for the very government that creates inflation because they're expecting the government to somehow make life easier for them financially – which would cause inflation to soar even more. They want safer streets.....but want to defund police. They want affordable housing......but the party they voted for scared away developers and buyers causing housing stock shortages. People are dumb. Let them suffer I say. -- Люди глупы. (nsnews.com)) ART Vancouver); silly; stupid; anserine; apish; absurd; asinine; beef-witted; balmy; dumb; fatuous; feather-headed; dense; thick; brainless; daft; doddering; dull; headless; inane; opaque; sappy; thoughtless; witless; ass-headed; bat-minded; clay-brained; cloddish; dotish; fat-brained; fatheaded; fatuitous; featherbrained; featherheaded; goosy; half-headed; hammer-headed; hen-witted; idle-headed; insulse; numskulled; pinheaded; stockish; wooden-headed; brutish; feeble-minded; footling; gawky; idiotic; lumpish; lame under the hat; nonsensical; owlish; sottish; thickheaded; tomfool; unwise; addle; anserine (как гусыня); anserous (как гусыня); babyish; feather-pated; hair-brained; idiotical; impertinent; insensate; witless (о человеке); wooden spoon; wooden; clownish; foolish; blockish; wet; knotty-pated; feather-brained; inept; mindless; fat-witted; harebrain; goosey; soft weak in the head; fuzzy headed (lop20); brain dead (Olegus Semerikovus); ridiculous (q3mi4); trifling (Aly19); dimwitted (Anglophile); the lights are on, but no one's at home (Andrew Goff); poofy (Alex Lilo); dim-witted (ssn); ass headed; bat minded; beef witted; bird witted; calvish; clay brained; fat brained; fat witted; feather pated; feeble minded; half baked; half headed; hammer headed; hen witted; idle headed; pudding headed; timber headed; wooden headed; childish; doddery; half-witted; lunatic; muddle-headed; oafish; sapheaded; soft-headed; thick-headed; thick-skulled; thick-witted; Boneheadedness (в отношении, как людей, так и действий nova4ee); being rash and foolish; erratic; imprudent; mentally dull; stolid; trivial; drippy (Kroatan); crack-brained (о поведении, поступке); knotty pated
Gruzovik hare-brained
Игорь Миг clueless; moronic
amer. nerdy (VLZ_58); meatball (stupid Taras); dummy (Val_Ships); of limited intelligence (Himera)
amer., inf. footless
amer., slang boneheaded; dead from the neck
austral., slang a couple of tinnies short of a slab; couldn't run a chook raffle in a country pub; couldn't tell his ass from a hole in the ground; lemon; couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery
book. hebetudinous (Linch); insipient
brit. barmy (foolish: I think that's a barmy idea Taras)
el. bogus; bozotic
fig. savorless; savourless; doofу (reverso.net suburbian); bovine
fig., inf. obtuse
Gruzovik, obs. simple
inf. have nothing between the one's ears (VLZ_58); poky; fool; empty-headed (Andrey Truhachev); lacking in the brain department (He's somewhat lacking in the brain department Ballistic); soft-headed (Andrey Truhachev); soft in the head (Andrey Truhachev); weak in the head (Andrey Truhachev); pin headed (Yan Mazor); gaga; imbecile; spoony; birdbrained; clottish; pudding-headed; timber-headed; dead above the ears; pigheaded; damfool; bird-witted; daffy; pinhead; slushy; spooney; bone-headed (Anglophile); numpty (andriy f); bird-brained (Clepa); cheesy (как синоним silly k.vorobyov); snorky (snorky comment chronik); lamebrained (owant); brainwashed (Himera); dappy (Vitaliyb)
Makarov. addlebrained; harebrained; flat; light in the head; senseless; soft in the head; weak in the head
obs. asinary; asslike; bayardly; bluntwitted; conceitless; inhabile; loggerheaded; wearish; seely (Yerkwantai); nice; vain (о человеке)
rude spaz (short for spastic Andrey Truhachev)
slang lunching (Oh boy, you are so lunching! kutepov); backward (VLZ_58); slap happy (Interex); meat-headed (см. также meathead; meat-head chilin); jobby (Sergei Aprelikov); blubberheaded; nitty; schlub; buggy; cluck; coo-coo; cracked; dil; dill; dim; dippy; dizzy; dodo; dope; dotty; dumb cluck; dumb-bell; dumb-cluck; fat; fat-headed; flat-headed; flub; four letter man; goon; half-baked; hunk of cheese; looney; loony; loopy; mush-headed; muttonheaded; numb; nutty; out to lunch; schleppy; schloomp; schlump; short of hat size; for the birds; wat; dopey (Interex); in a twitter (Interex); lardhead (Interex); lommix (Interex); lumpus (Interex); nothing upstairs (Interex); three bricks shy of a load (Interex); piccadilly (I've always said he was piccadilly. Interex); lead-footed; neutral
span.-am. tontolicious (Alexey Lebedev)
uncom. twaddly
vulg. ass-brained; ass-inine; damn foolish; darnfoolski; dorkish; dumb-ass; jive-ass; monkey-farting; silly-assed; soft as shit; sorry-ass; dead from the neck up; dumbo
глупо adv.
Gruzovik it is foolish (as pred); it is silly (as pred); it is stupid (as pred)
глупая adj.
gen. simper
amer. hog-wash
глупый ! adj.
ironic. you stupid boy! (Andrey Truhachev)
непроходимо глупый adj.
gen. crass
Глупый adj.
irish.lang. Away in the head. (Interex)
глупо adv.
gen. simply; inanely; irrationally; rush in where angels fear to tread; ineptly (yulia_mikh); there's no point (в контексте: There's no point in getting shot by your own side. 4uzhoj); thoughtlessly (Minnesota); dully; fatuously; vacuously; obtusely; flatly; senselessly; sleepily; absurdly; childishly (Kristenka); imprudently (Tatiana Yershevich); sillily; unwisely; idiotically; mindlessly (Азери); owlishly (ThunderPetr)
inf. it's a bit stiff (It's a bit stiff to expect him to apologize – Глупо думать, что он когда-нибудь извинится. VLZ_58)
math. foolishly; stupidly
obs. blockishly; doltishly; seelily; sottishly; besottedly; besottingly; unwittily
slang grunge
: 855 phrases in 54 subjects
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