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глубокоуважаемый adj.stresses
gen. dear; well-regarded (Supernova); highly esteemed; esteemed; respected; much esteemed (formal address); highly honored (Am.= highly honoured (respected) Andrey Truhachev); highly honoured (honoured (respected) Andrey Truhachev); widely respected (о человеке: A widely respected and influential member of the political elite. TopGar); used in salutations honored; Esquire (В США используется при обращении к дипломированным адвокатам, в качестве приставки Esq., стоящей после имени klarisse); dear valued (Ася Кудрявцева)
Gruzovik highly-esteemed; much-esteemed
dipl. highly-regarded (Alex_Odeychuk); highly respected (Alex_Odeychuk)
math. greatly esteemed
obs. everhonored; everhonoured
: 2 phrases in 1 subject