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галдеж nstresses
gen. tumult (Mermaiden); a Babel of voices
Игорь Миг kerfuffle
amer. boiler works (Bobrovska)
austral., slang yap
Gruzovik, fig. Tower of Babel
галдёж n
gen. hubbub; babel; Donnybrook Fair; noise; pandemonium (Anglophile); row; clatter; clamoring (Taras); commotion (неясного происхождения: I heard a commotion at the door on Thanksgiving day, 2011. When I opened it, I was greeted by this wild turkey (and his friend in the background)! Minutes later, he turned and walked away, but not before I grabbed the camera and snapped these photos. Apparently, he was none too interested in staying for dinner. Who could blame him? -- Sid Marcovitch, Santa Rosa, CA -- услышал шум / галдёж за дверью coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
amer. a boiler factory
Gruzovik, inf. din; racket
inf. uproar
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects