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в некотором родеstresses
gen. an extent (4uzhoj); after a sort; in some sort; in a manner of speaking (Anglophile); of sorts (in a way; partially or not entirely: He wrote a polite retraction, as an apology of sorts for his harsh words.); in a fashion (Rust71); somewhat of a (she has become somewhat of a teen idol SirReal); so to speak (SirReal); to a point (4uzhoj); in a certain sense (Taras); in a manner; in some measure
Gruzovik to a certain extent; after a fashion
Игорь Миг in a way
amer. kind of (kind of sneaked up on us Val_Ships)
cliche. something of a (Affectionately known as the Asparamancer, Jemima Packington's process involves tossing a bundle of the vegetables into the air and then divining forthcoming events by observing how they land. Her unique technique has made her something of a celebrity in England and she has been credited with predicting both the election of Donald Trump in 2016 as well as the passing of Queen Elizabeth in 2022. (coasttocoastam.com) • Thomas 'Hoggy' Hogg, owner of the Blue Note Jazz Club, is something of a music legend in Bay City. – считается в некотором роде легендарной личностью ART Vancouver)
Makarov. some extend
math. in some way; to some extent
в некотором роде
: 7 phrases in 2 subjects