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gen. latest version (4uzhoj); as it reads now (Alexander Demidov); as amended (4uzhoj); as originally framed or as from time to time amended or restarted (из текста устава БВО 4uzhoj); as then in effect (nerzig); up to date (Ася Кудрявцева)
law as now or hereafter in effect (о положениях закона или договора schnuller); as may be amended from time to time (4uzhoj); as amended from time to time ("from time to time" означает не "периодически", а "в соответствующий момент", "по состоянию на определенный момент" 4uzhoj); as presently in effect (Warrant holder is an "accredited investor investor" within the meaning of the Securities and Exchange Rule 501 of Regulation D, as presently in effect aldrignedigen)
в действующей редакции
: 16 phrases in 3 subjects