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verb | verb | to phrases
выслужить vstresses
gen. obtain by service; rise; insinuate; serve out
Gruzovik serve out; obtain (as result of service); qualify for (as result of service)
inf. serve (a certain length of time)
выслужиться v
gen. curry favor (with); advance; toad; toady; serve (out a certain period); shine at work (Tanya Gesse); kiss up to (перед кем-либо: I wish I could personally bitch slap everyone who continues to twist the facts of his horrific death in order to kiss up to the Russian president and his lackeys. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik obtain (as result of service); qualify for (as result of service); work towards promotion (pf of выслуживаться)
explan. suck up to (перед кем-либо 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik, inf. ingratiate oneself with (pf of выслуживаться); curry favor with (pf of выслуживаться); toady to (pf of выслуживаться)
inf. curry favour; toady (to); assume a rank (- How's prison going? (Как тебе сидится?) – You know, it's a lot like the military. It's structured. You get uniforms. And if you put in the time and effort, you assume a rank. You can go from being someone's bitch to a gang member then to a gang member with your own bitch Taras)
Makarov. toady to (перед)
: 19 phrases in 5 subjects