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gen. determine; terminate; render a judgment; take a decision; make a decision
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Makarov. towards

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gen. determine; terminate (MichaelBurov); render a judgment (The judge renders a judgment after hearing all the parties during the trial – Government of Quebec Tamerlane); take a decision; make a decision; decide; award; adjudge; adjudicate on a matter; pass an opinion; arbitrate; to judgement; adjudicate (adjudicate on a matter – выносить решение по какому-либо вопросу Alexander Demidov); weigh in (о судье // On Monday night, just a few hours after Michael Brown was laid to rest, an amiable judge sat in the City Council chambers here and weighed in on the traffic violations and petty crimes, one by one, of more than a hundred people. – NYT 4uzhoj); complete (MichaelBurov); regulate (MichaelBurov); rule (MichaelBurov); actuate (MichaelBurov); dispose of (MichaelBurov); ordain (MichaelBurov); fix upon (MichaelBurov); cinch (MichaelBurov); resolve (MichaelBurov)
adv. render decision
busin. bring in; deliver; judge; pass judgment; pronounce; deliver a judgment; pronounce a decision; make an award
construct. hand down (напр. арбитражного суда)
dipl., law award (о третейском суде)
econ. decree; deliver a judgement; enter a judgement; pass a decision
fish.farm. render a decision
Gruzovik, law pronounce judgment; pronounce judgement
law find; hold (о суде); award judgement; make award; pass judgement; pass a judgement; pass a judgment; pass a verdict (alexghost); pass an award (Afina_Afina)
law, Scotl. decern
Makarov. adjudicate on (на конкурсе и т. п.); adjudicate upon (на конкурсе и т. п.); deliver judgement; hand down (напр., арбитражного суда); pass on (по вопросу о чём-либо); pass upon (по вопросу о чём-либо); adopt a resolution; pass a resolution; render judgement; deliver a judgement (о суде); carry a resolution
patents. give judgement
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dipl. deliberate upon (на собраниях акционеров lucy_)
law judgement – making power (судебные); judgement – passing power (судебные); power of judgement (судебные)
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