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verb | verb | to phrases
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gen. burn out (ART Vancouver); tire oneself out (ART Vancouver); tucker; crock up (о человеке); crock (о человеке); get exhausted (ART Vancouver); be spent (Усталость после физически или психически изматывающих событий AKarp); be exhausted (Andrey Truhachev); be over-tired (suburbian); be feel used up; break up
Игорь Миг be completely exhausted
Gruzovik, inf. be worn out (pf of выматываться)
idiom. be burned out (jouris-t); be running on empty (Taras); be running on fumes (Taras); run out of steam (Taras)
inf. work oneself into a sweat (VLZ_58); slog one's guts out (Andrey Truhachev); work oneself to death (Andrey Truhachev); bust a gut (Andrey Truhachev); be on edge (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. spend oneself
psychol. feel tired (Andrey Truhachev)
вымотанный prtc.
gen. depleted; stressed out (bigmaxus); exhausted (Супру); worn-out (Супру); flaked-out (Супру); jaded (Супру); bone-weary (sea holly)
Игорь Миг consumed with (I've just been so consumed with our move to Rome.)
amer. bone-tired (as in "when she said it, her tone bone-tired"; от усталости Val_Ships); bone-weary (extremely tired; от усталости Val_Ships); washed out (lacking animation Val_Ships); spent (от усталости: physically and emotionally spent Val_Ships)
brit. knackered (Rust71)
inf. whacked to the wide (Taras); dead tired (Johnny Bravo); washed-up (Andrey Truhachev); used-up (Olya34)
slang whacked; beat; bush; bushed; low; pepped out; poohed out; poohed-ed out; pooped (out); tuckered out; whipped-up whipped up; all washed-up (Andrey Truhachev); wiped (PeachyHoney)
vulg. done in
вымотать v
gen. ride down; gruel; wind (wool); unreal; frazzle; ran into exhaustion (Nadal mercilessly ran No. 24 Juan Martín del Potro of Argentina into exhaustion vlad-and-slav)
Gruzovik wind wool (pf of выматывать); wind off wool; pay out (pf of выматывать); unwind (pf of выматывать); use up wool (pf of выматывать); unreel (pf of выматывать)
amer. run feet off; frazzle out
fig. wear out (This job has really worn me out. – вымотала / измотала / замучила ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, fig. drain (pf of выматывать); exhaust (pf of выматывать); use up (pf of выматывать)
inf. exhaust; drain; use up; burn someone out (Within smaller companies, each employee plays a much more pivotal role that in a big corporation, so the last thing you want to do is burn someone out at a small company. ART Vancouver); run someone ragged (кого-либо 4uzhoj)
Makarov., amer. run someone's feet off (кого-либо)
Makarov., inf. do in
nonstand. pooh
slang knacker (you look absolutely knackered 'More)
вымотавшийся prtc.
gen. frazzled; knackered (Rust71)
Makarov. tired out
slang knocked out; wiped (PeachyHoney)
: 36 phrases in 6 subjects