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verb | verb | to phrases
вылечиться vstresses
gen. throw off an illness; get oneself well (After these specialists basically said, You have six months to live, good luck, I had to figure out how to make myself well using herbal and natural remedies. ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik recover from (pf of вылечиваться); be cured of (pf of вылечиваться); get over (pf of вылечиваться)
Makarov. recover from; cure
med. recover from an illness (Andrey Truhachev); have recovered from an illness (Andrey Truhachev)
sl., drug. to be off the habit
вылечить v
gen. cure of (кого-либо, от чего-либо); effect a cure (от боле́зни); heal; heal up (также перен.); cure; bring through; nurse back to health (VLZ_58)
Gruzovik heal up (pf of вылечивать)
brit. pull round (the doctors tried in vain to pull him round – врачи безуспешно пытались спасти его); pull round (В.И.Макаров)
comp. degunk (degunk your e-mail – освободите свой е-мейл от спама, е-мейл без спама vikulika); clean up (от угрозы, вируса Zoya Kuznetsova)
inf. fix (часто fix up)
Makarov. cure of; bring to rights; heal (больных); put to rights; set to rights; pull through (особ. после тяжёлой болезни); bring to put; cure of (кого-либо от чего-либо)
Makarov., inf. fix up
psychol. get a patient cured
uncom. remedy
вылечь v
Gruzovik, agric. lie down (pf of вылегать); stand out (pf of вылегать)
вылеченный prtc.
relig. cured
: 60 phrases in 6 subjects
Pharmacy and pharmacology1