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gen. blow up; get hetup about; get mad; get one's shirt out; lose one's equilibrium; get hot under the collar; go off the deep end; be beside oneself with rage; blow cool; blow top; get blood up; get dander up; get rattled; lose balance; lose cool; lose equilibrium; lose hair; lose rag; lose shirt; lose one's temper; lose wig; wax wroth; get back up; lose wool; go loopy (Anglophile); lose self-control (Anglophile); flip one's lid (Anglophile); get very angry ("взорваться" Franka_LV); go spare (inplus); have shirt out; flip lid; fly into a temper (Taras); be beside oneself; fly out; be hurried out of one's self; be out of one's wits; blow one's top; jump off the deep end (Taras); bananashit (To be driven crazy in an out-of-control manner. КГА); go ape shit (Artjaazz)
Gruzovik be beside oneself
Игорь Миг throw temper tantrums; have a temper tantrum; throw a temper tantrum; lash out; get peeved; be beyond furious
amer. lose goat; blow a fuse; hulk out (// originating with Marvel Comics (The Incredible Hulk): It all happened so fast... the Broncos ran in their fifth touchdown and he just hulked out. Even though the accident was his fault, he hulked out and started shouting at me goodmotto)
austral., slang climb the wall; do one's lolly; do one's scone; drop one's bundle; go through the roof
cliche. get into a rage (Whatever happens on the road, it's not worth getting into a rage. -- не стоит выходить из себя ART Vancouver)
fig. lose one's balance; fly off the handle (he flew off the handle – он как с цепи сорвался); come unglued (igisheva)
fig.of.sp. froth at the mouth (Andrey Truhachev); foam at the mouth (Andrey Truhachev)
idiom. go berserk (igisheva); go through the roof (z484z); blow one's top (When she told him, he blew his top and began shouting. Bob_cat); be in hot blood (Bobrovska); have one's blood up (Bobrovska)
inf. get one's rag out; blow one's cool; wild out (Just found out JK Rowling is making movies of the "Fantastic beasts and where to find them book" and went wild out urbandictionary.com GInnoImoto); go ballistic (What was his response? He went ballistic. Val_Ships); freak out (VLZ_58); blast off (VLZ_58); be set up (Andrey Truhachev); get too angry (SirReal); throw a wobbler (BroKE); get the breeze up (Bobrovska); have the breeze up (Bobrovska)
jarg. go berko (igisheva); get spastic (igisheva); go spastic (igisheva)
Makarov. get one's back up; go off the handle; fly into a rage; flare up; be mad; be out of temper; cut up rough; fly at the handle; fly off the handle; get het up about something; get into a state; get into a temper; get one's monkey up; get oneself into a state; get one's shirt; get one's shirt out; go into a temper; lead off; lose one's head; run out of patience; run up the wall; work oneself into a state
Makarov., inf. be off the handle; boil over; let fly
proverb be beside (oneself)
psychol. lose his temper (Alex_Odeychuk)
rude get rag out
slang burn; flip one's lid; fly of the handle; go up in the air; storm; throw a fit; go haywire; lose one's cool; blow a gasket (Lu4ik); blow one's cork (Interex); blow one's lid (Interex); pop one's cork (Interex); get narked (Anglophile); lose one's control; blow one's stack (Mirinare); blow one's stop (Mirinare); flip out (Taras); fly off the wall (Mira_G); blow one's gasket (VLZ_58); come unstrung (Interex); blow one's cool; flip shit (vogeler); zoom out (VLZ_58); lose one's religion (VLZ_58)
vulg. get one's shit hot; get the butt; raise hell; lose one's shit
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: 31 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Quotes and aphorisms1