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adjective | verb | to phrases
выдохшийся adj.stresses
gen. played; stale; palled; played-out; burned-out; burnt-out; exhausted; burned out; burnt out; played out; vapid (пиво и т.п. Dude67); flat (о пиве и т. п.); winded (VLZ_58); knocked-up (exhausted; fatigued Taras); done in
amer. maxed out (Taras); beat-down (Taras)
amer., inf. pooped; beat (о человеке)
amer., slang pepped out
inf. all in; all-in; all-out; whacked to the wide (Taras); washed-up (Andrey Truhachev); pooped (We crashed pretty early, cozy in our sleeping bags and pooped from the full day. (Flickr) ART Vancouver)
inf., amer. clanked
Makarov. spent
slang hung; pooped out (Leave we alone, Mick! I'm so pooped out after this hard game. == Отстань, Мик! Я вообще никакой после этой нелегкой игры.)
winemak. flat (о вине); rebate
выдохнуться v
gen. wither; flatten; be played out
Gruzovik become flat of wines, etc (pf of выдыхаться); lose its fragrance
fig. tired
Gruzovik, fig. come to nothing (pf of выдыхаться); peter out (pf of выдыхаться)
Gruzovik, inf. get exhausted (pf of выдыхаться)
inf. peg out
: 31 phrases in 6 subjects