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gen. huff; rouse; put out; put somebody out of temper; take a rise; send up the wall; rattle; raise hackles (Anglophile); make one's hackles rise (Anglophile); throw off balance (Anglophile); make someone go purple in the face (Anglophile); drive spare (Anglophile); drive someone mad (triumfov); fracture; undo; make someone blow a fuse (4uzhoj); jar (to make someone unstable or loose: She was trying to jar me, make me mad. – она старалась вывести меня из себя, разозлить меня ART Vancouver); rile up (Taras); make flare up (кого-либо); drive crazy (clck.ru dimock); put out of temper; drive someone over the edge (SirReal); put smb.'s back up (кого́-л.)
Игорь Миг peeve; set nerves to edge; irk; provoke ire; drive nuts
idiom. drive up the wall (ART Vancouver); make someone blow a gasket (4uzhoj); set off (to cause someone to become very angry; to ignite someone's anger: When you're on a diet, the smallest things can set you off. ART Vancouver); have someone's blood up (кого-либо Bobrovska); get under someone's skin (кого-либо; to provoke someone Val_Ships); rub the wrong way ('to do or say things that annoy someone' (Macmillan): "Don't talk to him about his ex. He can be quite mean if you rub him the wrong way." ART Vancouver); get under someone's skin (to irritate or upset someone (Merriam-Webster): A lot of incidents that are considered terrible racist events are likely just one person trying to get under the other person's skin rather than genuinely hating that person due to race. (Reddit) • Difference is all parties understood you called names cause that was the easiest way to get under each other skin and that no one was actually racist. You go home, have dinner, go to sleep, and the next day you just live life like nothing happened. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
inf. tick off (She really ticked me off. – Она меня вывела из себя. ART Vancouver); push over the edge (push someoned over the edge Баян); drive someone up the wall (Maria Klavdieva); rattle one's cage (кого-либо Val_Ships); rattle someone's cage (кого-либо; She tried to rattle his cage with questions about his failed army career. Val_Ships); hack off (to make a person angry Val_Ships); ruffle (He ruffled some people with his constant complaining. Val_Ships)
low piss someone off (Vanikor)
Makarov. put someone's back up (кого-либо); make someone flare up (кого-либо); exhaust stock of patience (кого-либо); get someone's blood up; drive wild (кого-либо)
Makarov., inf. steam up
proverb infuriate (someone); put beside himself
rude put a bug up someone's ass (george serebryakov)
slang miff; tee off; tee up
vulg. put past patience (denghu)
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gen. drive wild; exhaust stock of patience; get shirt off; get shirt out; make wild; get a rise out of (Don't pay any attention to him, Bill, he's just trying to get a rise out of you); have a rise out of; put in a temper; put out of temper; take a rise out of
amer. burn somebody up (TarasZ)
inf. rub someone wrong (Aprilen)
Makarov. get someone's back up; get someone's goat; have a rise out of (someone); put someone in a temper; put someone out of temper; take a rise out of (someone); get someone's dander up
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gen. exasperated; put out (bystander)
fig.of.sp. deposed from one's self-possession
Makarov. hot under the collar
slang fruk (см. freak; сленговая форма past participle on глагола freak КГА); torqued off (Beforeyouaccuseme)
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gen. set madding; put smb. out of temper
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: 71 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling1