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gen. squash; crowd into; crowd through; edge into; elbow; cram in
| грузовик
gen. truckful
| на
gen. on
| нужное место
 нужное место
gen. a house of office

verb | verb | to phrases
втиснуть vstresses
gen. whip into; fit smth. in between two things (что-л. ме́жду чем-л.); press; fit; ram; stuff; box up; edge into; force into; foist; corkscrew; sardine; edge in; squeeze oneself in (to); sandwich; box in (В.И.Макаров); squeeze in; crush; jam; squeeze
Gruzovik cram in (pf of втискивать); cram into (pf of втискивать); press in (pf of втискивать); press into (pf of втискивать); squeeze into (pf of втискивать)
amer. shoehorn
Makarov. force in; cram into; foist in; foist into; push in; push into; stuff into; work something into place (куда-либо; что-либо); shove in; shove into
Makarov., inf., amer. choke in
втиснуться v
gen. squash; crowd into; crowd through; edge into; elbow (into something / во что-либо); cram in; cram into; edge in; force into; press in; squeeze into; squeeze oneself in (to); force in; squeeze in
slang scooch (to move or compress (one's body) into a restricted space: Move in or pass through a restricted space.: He scooched himself into the cramped little cockpit. 'More)
sport. interfere (между игроком, ведущим мяч, и тем, кто может принять передачу)
: 50 phrases in 6 subjects