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во что бы то ни сталоstresses
gen. at any cost; at all costs; by all means; at all hazards; at any price; anyhow; blow high, blow low; at all accounts; through thick and thin (Ангелина Morozoff); at whatever cost (Anglophile); by any means (Franka_LV); for love or money (avebrava); come what may (MargeWebley); no matter what it takes (triumfov); by hook or by crook; cost what it may (ssn); cost what it will (см.Idioms (En-Ru) к версии ABBYY Lingvo x3 ssn); at all price; at any costs; whatever the cost (Alexander Demidov); whatever it takes (Юрий Гомон); seven ways from Sunday (fa158); by hell or high water (anita_storm); whatever it is (Natalya Rovina); no matter what (Should Moscow choose to defend the existing authorities in Yerevan no matter what, it would alienate the country against Russia. 4uzhoj); die trying (в выражениях "do something or die tring") SYNONYMS: at all costs; at any cost; to the fullest; whatever it takes 4uzhoj); at any rate; by fair means or foul
Gruzovik no matter what happens
Игорь Миг do whatever it takes to; through every possible means
disappr. hell-bent on (determined to achieve something at all costs (Oxford Dictionary): "Please -- before you kill someone -- slow down!! Look all ways to see for pedestrians!!! You are going to kill someone!" "Seems looking around or even caring if the traffic light is red, is just too much trouble for the driver hell-bent on going as fast as possible from A to B." (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
fig. at any sacrifice (Andrey Truhachev)
idiom. beg, borrow or steal (slitely_mad); come hell or high water (Баян); or die trying (в выражениях "do something or die trying"; синонимы: at all costs; at any cost; to the fullest; whatever it takes: I'm going to redeem myself with you Victoria or I'm going to die trying. irosenrot); come what might (Bobrovska)
inf. in the worst kind of way (в контексте 4uzhoj)
Makarov. by all manner of means
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: 28 phrases in 4 subjects