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gen. person seeking the exaction (ABelonogov); recoveror (одна из сторон исполнительного производства (управомоченное лицо). Другая (обязананная) сторона именуется должником – A plaintiff who receives a favourable judgement, esp. in an action of common recovery. SOED. Re·cov`er·or' noun (Law) The demandant in a common recovery after judgment. Wharton. Found on and encyclo.co.uk, thinkexist.com Alexander Demidov); exacter
law recoverer; execution creditor (Евгений Тамарченко)
law, court award creditor (по арбитражном решению – Who is an award creditor? In the absence of voluntary compliance, an award creditor, i.e., a party with an award in its favour, may seek recognition and enforcement of the award.: Do the award creditor and award debtor have the right to attend the hearing on consideration of a request for recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral award? – Yes, the hearing shall be conducted in the presence of the award creditor and the award debtor or their representatives. 'More)
law, law, court enforcement applicant (Sjoe!)
law, obs. plaintiff (rechnik)
notar. judgment creditor
obs. claimant (tinyurl.com/jm5utdh Tanya Gesse)
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects