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вершитель nstresses
gen. judicator (Stormy); architect (Alexander Demidov); arbiter (A.Rezvov); decision-maker (в отличие от исполнителя Сергій Саржевський); leader (jodrey); law enforcer (закона Taras); law enforcement officer (закона Taras); executor (or performer – someone who carries out a task or an action Taras); determiner (someone who makes a decision or brings about a result Taras); decider (someone who makes a decision or brings about a result: The jury was the decider of the defendant's fate – Присяжные были вершителями судьбы подсудимого Taras); arbiter of destinies (судеб: Time is the arbiter of destinies Taras); fatemaker (судеб; the term is often used in a metaphorical sense to describe someone who has the power to control or influence the course of events. In a certain context, it can be seen as a synonym for arbiter of destinies: History is written by the fatemakers, not by the observers – Историю пишут вершители, а не наблюдатели • At the age of twenty, she was already the fatemaker of her own destiny Taras); creator (or maker – someone who brings something into being: creator of the world Taras); originator (someone who brings something into being: originator of the universe Taras); maker (Taras); proclaimer (the best translation will depend on the specific context Taras); ruler (Taras); sovereign (Taras); terminator (the best translation will depend on the specific context: The technological revolution was the terminator of many traditional jobs – Технологическая революция была вершителем многих традиционных профессий • The judge was the terminator of the defendant's hopes for freedom – Судья был вершителем надежд подсудимого на свободу • The religious figure was the terminator of a long-standing conflict – Религиозный деятель был вершителем давнего конфликта • The artist was the terminator of a conventional perception of beauty – Художник был вершителем традиционного восприятия красоты Taras); tastemaker (He was a true tastemaker in the fashion world – Он был настоящим вершителем в мире моды Taras); master (He felt like the master of his own destiny – Он чувствовал себя вершителем своей жизни • I will be the master of my own fate – Я буду вершителем своей судьбы Taras); decision-maker (She was the decision-maker in our company – Она была вершителем нашей компании Taras)
Gruzovik, obs. director; boss; manager
subl. performer (Violet)
: 20 phrases in 5 subjects
Obsolete / dated1