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вдобавок adv.stresses
gen. in addition; in addition to; more (употребляется с числительным или неопределённым местоимением); thereto (стилистическая ошибка ART Vancouver); what is more; to boot (While the Edge Plus is expensive for a Motorola phone, costing as much as a baseline Samsung Galaxy S20 (in the US at least), it keeps up with its rivals in almost every category – and offers a few unique extras to boot. ); worse luck (к чему-либо плохому); on top; on top of something (к чему-либо); yet (Nadia U.); at that (I lived in one room, and a small room at that – Я жил в одной комнате, и ещё маленькой вдобавок • I thought that some of the circle of Fordham alumni might be interested in what seemed to me an earnest appeal from another Fordham alumnus – and a veteran of the national security apparatus, at that – based on a sincere and generally positive appreciation of the Jesuit tradition. Баян); therewithal; for good measure (мужчина выхватил пистолет и начал стрелять по другому... Когда тот упал, он, пробегая мимо, выстрелил вдобавок ему в голову Kisa630); by and atour; Alongside (Alba Owl); on top of this (Vadim Rouminsky); in the bargain (It was a very powerful horse and stubborn in the bargain. yevgenijob); with something thrown in (Three is renowned for offering cheap data. Its ‘All You Can Eat' deals let you use as much data as you like at home, with 4G thrown in at no extra cost. VLZ_58); to cap it all (Коромысло); on top of everything (sea holly); measure for good measure; more; for good measure (He performed his most recent songs, and then threw in a couple of old ones for good measure vogeler); top it all off (To top it all, she left me with huge debts vogeler); over; add to it (Add to it, China has the largest land army in the world. quora.com Victor_G); additionally; subsidiarily; in surplusage; on the top of (sth, к чему-л.); on top of (к чему-либо)
Gruzovik moreover
Игорь Миг to add insult to injury; on top of all of this; on top of all; on top of all of that; on top of it; all the more
busin. in addition to (smth, к чему-л.)
context. it doesn't help that (при перечислении негативных факторов Abysslooker)
idiom. into the bargain (Yet he's nothing more than an ignorant fool, and a liar into the bargain.)
inf. and then some; plus
math. over and above; besides; as well; in addition (to)
obs. withal; to the bargain (Bobrovska)
Scotl. atour
slang boot (Johnney not only got fifty dollars, but they bought him a snack to boot. == Джонни не только заработал 50 долларов, но вдобавок его ещё бесплатно накормили.)
: 53 phrases in 5 subjects
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