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валять дуракаstresses
gen. goof off (to engage in idle activity or inactivity | He sat there goofing off all day instead of working. 4uzhoj); fritter around (I was supposed to do work, but I frittered around all afternoon. 4uzhoj); look like a fool; idle; mountebank; tomfool; daff; footle; act the ape; act the ass; act the goat; play the ass; make an ass of oneself; make an ass of; play dumb; play the idiot; horse around (kutsch); act the giddy goat (Anglophile); act like a potato head (Anglophile); faff (Anglophile); jerk around (Svetlana D); play the giddy ox (Игорь Primo); fool around (Юрий Гомон); play monkey; cut didoes; play the fool; conduct oneself asininely; play the ape; mess about; mess; goldbrick (to loaf or goof around on the job. Supposedly an old union term describing laborers (or more specifically, bricklayers) who were going so slow, it was as if each brick were made of solid gold. One can alse be referred to as a "goldbricker" Taras)
Gruzovik make a fool of oneself
Игорь Миг sit on one's hands; joke around
amer. projeck with (fooling around in an irresponsible manner Beforeyouaccuseme); goofing off, fooling around, playing around, monkeying around, messing around, horsing around, screwing around, clowning around
amer., slang futz (US slang – to waste time; to idle (often used in phrases such as futz around or futz about): futzing about on the computer)
amer., univer. jack around
austral. play sillybuggers (collegia)
austral., slang carry on like a pork chop
idiom. play the clown (Andrey Truhachev); act the fool (LaFee); get up to nonsense (Andrey Truhachev); do foolish things (Andrey Truhachev); play around (Maggie)
inf. play the giddy goat; play the goat; ape it; clown around; play silly bleeders (Anglophile); screw around (Franka_LV); pull off a prank (Marina Aleyeva); lollygag (Юрий Гомон); lallygag (Юрий Гомон); play damn with (Am.E. Taras); hump around (Vadim Rouminsky); muck about (m_rakova)
invect. muck around (gauma)
lit. lolly (Энтони Шумов)
low fart around (Quit farting around and start doing your work! В.И.Макаров)
Makarov. cut up didoes; act dumb; fart about; fool about; piss about
Makarov., inf. footle away
Makarov., inf., amer. cut up
Makarov., rude, amer. ass around
Makarov., rude, engl. arse around
Makarov., slang footle about; footle around; to futz around
mil., lingo do sweet Fanny Adams (MichaelBurov)
rude arse about; fuck the dog (We better quit fucking the dog and get cracking – Давай кончать дурака валять, пора приниматься за дело // Новый Англо-Русский словарь современной разговорной лексики Глазунов. 2003); crap around (VLZ_58); dick around (Taras)
slang goof off ("I know why you didn't promote. That because you goofed off all the time". == "Знаешь, почему у тебя ничего не получается? - говорит тренер "Тигров" Бобу. - Потому что ты постоянно ленишься".); screw around (Don't come any more! All you do is screw around all day! == He приходи больше! Все, что ты делаешь, - это валяние дурака целыми днями!); louse around; monkey around; potsky; fritter away; ass about; loom; mickey mouse around (Anglophile); act like a gleep (Anglophile); jack round ("Will you please stop jacking around?" Franka_LV); screw down (lavazza); act a fool (Andy); loon; mess around; jerk off (Quit jerking off and make yourself useful. – Хватит дурака валять, займись делом. george serebryakov)
uncom. droll
vulg. fuck about; play silly buggers; rat-fuck; screw about; screw off; shit-ass about; silly-ass about; sod about; tit about; putz about; fuck around (to waste time or behave in a silly or careless way: Will you two stop fucking around! Vadim Rouminsky)
валяющий дурака
gen. apish
валять дурака
: 41 phrases in 12 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
British usage, not spelling4