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быть уволеннымstresses
gen. get walking orders; be off the pay-roll; get the bird; get the boot; get the gate; get the hoof; get the kick; get the knock; get the mitten; get the order of the boot; get the push; get the sack; get the walking-ticket; be off the payroll; become redundant (по сокращению штата, свёртыванию производства); get the shove; lose place; be given the sack (acrogamnon); get the bird (выгнанным с работы); get the boot (выгнанным с работы); get the chop; get the gate (выгнанным с работы); get the mitten (выгнанным с работы); get the walking orders; get one's cards (highbery); face the sack (abbyyonline.com owant); be laid off (Johnny Bravo); get sacked (Johnny Bravo); be given one's cards; be off the payroll; lose a job (Taras); become workless (Taras); be dismissed from a job (Taras); be discharged from a job (Taras)
Игорь Миг be terminated
amer. get fired (Believe it or not, I got fired. Val_Ships); release from duty (in military Val_Ships); be shown the door (Val_Ships); get a pink slip (highbery); get canned (AmE slang IrynaS)
amer., slang get the hook
dial. get the bag (Bobrovska)
econ. be discharged; be dismissed
HR be sacked (Alex_Odeychuk)
idiom. get the bullet (feihoa)
inf. get one's walking papers (They're downsizing, and I got my walking papers last week.); face the boot (Alexey Lebedev); be given the gate (Andrey Truhachev); be fired (Andrey Truhachev); swap; take the chop (To be dismissed from employment. (idiomatic) maxim_nesterenko)
law be relieved of one's duties (from English Collocations in Use Advanced, p.30 Albina Khusniyarova)
Makarov. be out (с работы); lose one's place; become redundant (по сокращению штата, свертыванию производства); face the sack; get the big bird; get the walking; get the walking papers
Makarov., inf., austral. get the spear (с работы)
product. get the axe (разг. Andrey Truhachev); get the ax (Am. Andrey Truhachev); get the boot (разг. Andrey Truhachev)
Scotl. get one's jotters (to be sacked from a job (The proprietor thought too highly of the hard-working young man to give him his jotters). КГА)
slang bounce; get the ax; shit canned (ARXTAR)
быть уволенным
: 91 phrases in 12 subjects
American usage, not spelling20
Human resources1
Labor law3
Military lingo1