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gen. be in the know (событий); be in the picture (событий); be in the swim (событий); in the know (событий); in the picture (событий); in the swim (событий); know the score (событий); be alert to something (bookworm); be cognizant of (чего-либо; He was cognizant of the difficulty. Val_Ships); be posted; stay in the know (Scorrific); stay on top of (triumfov); stay up to date (Aslandado); know (Юрий Гомон); be aware (Ivan Pisarev); be aware of (чего-либо kee46); keep up; be familiar; maintain awareness (andreeva); stay informed (Anglophile); follow (the developing story: Have you been following this at all? – Вы вообще в курсе того, что происходит? ART Vancouver); stay up to date with (чего-либо; He stays up to date with the team' story. I. Havkin); be up to date with (чего-либо sophistt); stay in control (sankozh); be up on (+ gen.)
context. be kept up to date (you will be kept up to date on what's happening in the world of sports ART Vancouver); be kept posted
econ. be well informed
idiom. be on top of (She's on top of this issue. joyand); keep abreast of (Rick); keep abreast; be in the picture (тж. см. be out of the picture Taras); be on the treadmill (grafleonov); keep up with (Точки над Е); know the score (VLZ_58); be in the know (be aware of something known only to a few people Val_Ships); keep oneself apprised (Зеленевский); stay in the know; keep up to speed (We all had to read it every day to keep up to speed. Karbina); stay tuned (bigmaxus); be clued in (дел Anglophile); be in the loop (LoveTek); be clued-up (дел Anglophile); be in touch with; keep in touch with (событий и т. п.); stay current with (stay current with the global changes Mariam 321); get the memo (notilt); be up to speed (cambridge.org Medea13)
inf. be up on something (чего-либо: Are you up on the quarterly numbers? ART Vancouver)
Makarov. be abreast of something (чего-либо); be familiar with something (чего-либо); be in touch with (чего-либо); be plugged in to something; be posted as to something (чего-либо); get abreast of something; know the score
mil. cut in on (дел)
slang keep an eye on ("Well, you just started now on playing football, but if you keep your eye on the ball, you will be promoted. == "Ты только начал играть в футбол, - хлопает Мика по плечу тренер, когда видит, что парень раскис после того, как не удержал нападающего и команда пропустила тачдаун. - Но ты станешь отличным футболистом, если будешь всегда держать ушки на макушке".); stay in the loop (MichaelBurov); cook; crack on to something (чего-либо Technical)
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comp., MS Keep your life in sync (" In this context, "your life" refers to the user's digital information and goods (photos, contacts, music, email/messages, and apps/games). To be "in sync" means to be "synchronized" or "harmonious." This string, therefore, means that Windows Phone will keep users' important information and belongings synchronized in one place, while at the same time helping keep their life organized and harmonious.")
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: 170 phrases in 25 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Business style1
Figure of speech1
Mass media6
Postal service1
Trade unions1