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gen. if you please; will you do us a courtesy (of doing something alex); be so kind (kee46); be good enough; be good enough (to do something – сделать что-либо)
cliche. would you kindly (I got up slowly and went over to the bookshelves. I took down the bound copy of the California Penal Code. I held it out to Dayton. "Would you kindly find me the section that says I have to answer the questions?" (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
inf. would you be so kind; Humor me (Tamerlane)
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fig.of.sp. have the good grace (Have the good grace to say something nice, or say nothing at all kirobite)
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fig.of.sp. have the good grace (Have the good grace to say something nice, or say nothing at all kirobite)
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: 16 phrases in 4 subjects