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бездельник nstresses
gen. idler; good-for-nothing; beach-comber; drone; vagabond; fribble; lounger; sluggard; wag; bauchle; chairwarmer (получающий жалованье); do-nothing; fluff-off; lazzarone; loiterer; scrimshanker; trifler; Weary Willie; dawdle; doodle; gremlin; scaramouch; skulk; spalpeen; ne'er-do-well; blackguard; scapegrace; bone-idle fellow; faineant; fiddle-faddles; loom; ne'er-do-weel; bone-lazy fellow; deadhead; gadabout (Anglophile); do-naught (Anglophile); ringer (US alloptimistic); lie-on-the-beach type (Randy was never the lie-on-the-beach type, so after leaving the RCMP he started working in the private sector. -- никогда не был бездельником ART Vancouver); do little; do nothing; fiddle faddle; fluff off; good for nothing; jerk off; ne'er do weel; ne'er do well; dawdler; truant; work-shy; gangrel (Pippy-Longstocking); beat (амер. сл.); loafer; dangler; loon; goof off; fiddle-faddle; laggard; workshy (Sergei Aprelikov); bezonian; hang dog; jack; jack straw; jak; knave; ragamuffin; rakehell; rascal; rogue; rowdy; scoundrel; sirrah; stinkard; under fellow; wretch; miser; lazy beggar; lazy bones; lazy dog; flunk; rounder; slug; twiddler (Muslimah)
amer., inf. fiddler
amer., slang dead-beat; dead
austral. bludger (MichaelBurov)
austral., inf. coaster
austral., jarg. sooner
avunc. dog fucker (Dopler)
contempt. grazer (One who just grazes the fields...takes numerous smoke breaks, plays on the computer all day at work, someone who just floats throughout the day. VLZ_58)
fig. a precious beagle; pup
humor. scamp; scallawag; ringer (US alloptimistic)
inf. bum; layabout; scalawag; scallywag; slacker; do-little; playboy; waster; a bad halfpenny; couch potato (Yanick); deadbeat; bummer (schnuller); moocher (schnuller); lazy-boots (schnuller); lazybones (schnuller); deadbeat slouch (Taras); jerk-off; gaga; patch; beachcomber (Charlotte von Bremer); lookie-loo (Val_Ships); a cop-out (Everyone helped as they had promised, except for one cop-out. Val_Ships)
inf., amer. cake-eater
irish.lang. Dosser (Букв. – "завсегдатай ночлежки" Franka_LV)
lit. scaramouche
mil., lingo pudknocker (Taras)
nautic. bilge rat (laggard Taras)
obs. droil; marow; micher; rascallion; runnion; rapscallion
Scotl. bachle
slang goof-off; deadleg (a feeble, lazy or disappointing person. "The usual crowd of airheads, phonies, deadlegs, posers, bimbos, wallies, wannabees, hangers-on and gatecrashers." (Christina Appleyard, Daily Mirror, 11 May 1989) VLZ_58); blow-off (Fred is such a blow-off! VLZ_58); goldbrick; lead swinger (MichaelBurov); footer; chair-warmer; ding-donger; feather merchant; gold brick; gremmie; gutterpup; no-work; piddler; soldier; picker (Interex); dewdropper (Taras); cookie pusher (I'm just looking for a cookie pusher to fire today. Я смотрю какого бездельника уволить сегодня. Interex); lollygagger (VLZ_58)
vulg. hell-arounder; hell-bender; lazy bugger
yiddish. schlep (schnuller)
бездельники n
gen. effete
coll. varmint; vermin
polit. idlers (bigmaxus); loafers (bigmaxus); loungers (bigmaxus)
: 53 phrases in 11 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Humorous / Jocular1