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gen. attack; down; make attack; bust; pitch; carry out an attack
inf. give hell
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construct. side

verb | verb | to phrases
атаковать vstresses
gen. attack (прям. и перен. значение); down (кого-либо); make attack; bust; pitch; carry out an attack; set upon; assault; deliver an attack; carry an attack; make an attack; make at (наброситься); turn on; be at someone (кого-либо); come; make; strike; pounce; rough up (Bullfinch); have a go (Vadim Rouminsky); charge at (charge at someone Almighty Nemo); charge (особ. в конном строю); assail (I was assailed by doubts – на меня напали сомнения); rip at (oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com Solidboss); go at
Gruzovik assail
Игорь Миг lash out
agric. attack (о саранче – What is a locust attack/invasion/plague. When the locusts start attacking crops and thereby destroy the entire agricultural economy, it is referred to as locust plague/locust invasion. Plagues of locusts have devastated societies since the Pharaohs led ancient Egypt, and they still wreak havoc today.: В Китае всенародное бедствие – на плодородные равнины напали полчища саранчи. • Саранча атакует: на Кубани выявили 89 очагов заражения опасным вредителем .)
austral., slang take to
busin. pounce on (smb)
comp. bombard (addict)
fig. fire salvoes (JD Vance fires salvos at Democrats in first speech as Trump’s running mate – The Guardian diyaroschuk)
footb. shirtfront (Tarija)
inf. give someone hell; wade in (e.g.: The hooligans waded in when they saw fans from the other team. Acruxia); body slam (Alexandinah); lam out (joyand)
Makarov. bear down upon, on; come against (кого-либо); come upon (кого-либо что-либо); come at; come on; fall upon; give assault; go on attack; hit out; lam into; make assault; make at; press an attack; strike out (на кого-либо, что-либо); subject someone to attack; tear into
Makarov., mil. take a crack
mil. go in; come into attack; jab; jump off; deliver an assault; launch an attack; mount an attack; stand on the offensive; sweep (наземные цели); bear down (on); subject to an attack; conduct an attack (Andrey Truhachev); charge (особ в конном строю); bounce; put on an attack; attack; jump off (с исходной позиции); engage (The Star Destroyer engaged the frigates. I. Havkin)
mil., inf. take a crack (кого-либо или где-либо); wallop; kick off; kick-off
mil., jarg. banzai
nautic. bring to action; fall on
slang jump; slam-bang; whump; whale into (Interex); lay into; turn on (Everything is o'kay, seargent. I only worry about charlies would turn on us. If they turn on, we would turn them off. == Все нормально, сержант. Я только волнуюсь, как бы эти "чарли"(вьетконговцы) не напали на нас. Хотя если нападут, то получат своё.)
sport. take the game to (the opponent Tamerlane); go north (I actually thought we had a decent amount of chances throughout the game. … But we have to do a better job of going north. VLZ_58); glove
атаковаться v
gen. charge; assail; assault; attack
неожиданно атаковать v
mil. spring upon
"атакую" v
mil. attacking (доклад перехватчика)
атакуемый prtc.
media. embattled (Taras)
атакую v
mil. attacking (доклад перехватчика)
: 200 phrase in 24 subjects
Armored vehicles1
Cycle sport1
Equestrian sports1
Information security and data protection1
Military aviation4
Military lingo2