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архитектурно-строительное проектированиеstresses
gen. architectural design (E&Y ABelonogov); architectural and building design (Alexander Demidov); urban design (Urban design theory deals primarily with the design and management of public space (i.e. the "public environment', 'public realm" or 'public domain'), and the way public places are experienced and used. Public space includes the totality of spaces used freely on a day-to-day basis by the general public, such as streets, plazas, parks and public infrastructure. Some aspects of privately owned spaces, such as building facades or domestic gardens, also contribute to public space and are therefore also considered by urban design theory. wiki – АД); urban design (Urban design theory deals primarily with the design and management of public space (i.e. the "public environment', 'public realm" or 'public domain'), and the way public places are experienced and used. Public space includes the totality of spaces used freely on a day-to-day basis by the general public, such as streets, plazas, parks and public infrastructure. Some aspects of privately owned spaces, such as building facades or domestic gardens, also contribute to public space and are therefore also considered by urban design theory. wiki Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Миг engineering (арх.)
archit. architectural and civil engineering (igisheva); civil and architectural engineering (igisheva); architecture and construction design (Sergei Aprelikov)
gas.proc. CSA (Aiduza)
архитектурно- строительное проектирование
: 7 phrases in 4 subjects