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Федеральная миграционная службаstresses
gen. FMS (Georgy Moiseenko); Federal Migration Service (E&Y ABelonogov); Department of Immigration and Citizenship (4uzhoj); Federal Migration Agency (... (HIV) or addiction to prohibited narcotic substances specified by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Federal Migration Agency (FMA). BAMF: German Federal Migration Agency ... Former First Deputy Minister of Finance Vladimir A . Volokh State Secretary and Deputy Head Federal Migration Agency of the Russian Federation Vladimir G ... FMS (Federal Migration Agency) (2011), 'Information on the implementation of the State assistance programme for the voluntary resettlement in the Russian ... Alexander Demidov); FMA (... (HIV) or addiction to prohibited narcotic substances specified by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Federal Migration Agency (FMA). BAMF: German Federal Migration Agency ... Former First Deputy Minister of Finance Vladimir A . Volokh State Secretary and Deputy Head Federal Migration Agency of the Russian Federation Vladimir G ... FMS (Federal Migration Agency) (2011), 'Information on the implementation of the State assistance programme for the voluntary resettlement in the Russian ... Alexander Demidov)
 Russian thesaurus
Федеральная миграционная служба
polit. ФМС (MichaelBurov)
Федеральная миграционная служба
: 15 phrases in 5 subjects
Administrative law1
Government, administration and public services1