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Простофиля nstresses
slang Dutters (Alexsword92)
простофиля n
gen. ninny; dotterel; gawk; goose; punk; Clem; erk; honest John; live one; moonraker; muggins; wet-head; Charley; cull; cully; easy meat; gawky; gudgeon; spoony; sucker; twit; yak; zany; noodle; Sawney; ninnyhammer; oaf; ouph; ouphe; wet-nose; easy game (mark); goat; lemon; easy touch (Anglophile); soft touch (Anglophile); a wise man of Gotham (Anglophile); simple fool (You got scammed again, you simple fool! ART Vancouver); suck egg; wet nose; calf; calves; gull; tomnoddy; halfwit (nofour138); dupe; mug; spoon; farmer; mark; wet head; simpleton (Val_Ships); nincompoop; sucka (от слова sucker pavelforever); cut; doodle; drivel; drool; a goose; goose cap; green goose; looby; ninny-hammer; simpleton; tony; simple fool (Alex Lilo); fool of a simpleton (Alex Lilo); mug punter (Alex Lilo); chucklehead; gawp
amer. gump (Теперь понятен смысл фамилии героя замечательного фильма "Форрест Гамп"?; a fool; an oaf. Like the rural and not too smart Andy Gump of comic strip fame in the early 1900s, later reinforced by Forrest Gump of movie fame: Don't act like such a gump! Taras); meatball (Taras); fall guy
amer., inf. cousin
amer., slang it; patsy
austral., inf. plat; Dill
fig. feaberry; gooseberry
Gruzovik, inf. duffer (masc and fem)
idiom. a babe in the woods (anadyakov); poor fish
inf. pushover (MsBerberry); flat; nitwit; saphead; prune; sap; spooney; coot (ssn); chump (Taras); nincompoop (KeCH); soft; poor sap (alexs2011); lughead (Wakeful dormouse); simp; goofball (Val_Ships)
inf., brit. clot (часто беззлобно или шутливо)
inf., dial. gaby
inf., rude sitter
jamaic.eng. bungo (isouljah)
lit. Simple Simon; Tom Fool (Noddy)
Makarov. innocent
nautic. cuddy
nonstand. yo-yo; yoyo
obs. woodcock; cudden; jackalent; nodcock
slang poop; suck-egg; cat's-paw; gofer; gofor; gopher; hon-yock; hon-yocker; honyock; jay; nougat; yap; caravan; yock; come on; come-on; boob (ART Vancouver); Arnold (He's a right Arnold. Interex); leadhead (definithing.com, urbandictionary.com Deska); ninkypoop (duckesa); ninkenpoop (duckesa); quick push (VLZ_58); easy mark (VLZ_58)
zool., inf. pigeon
: 23 phrases in 10 subjects
Obsolete / dated1
Uncommon / rare5