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Бенедикт nstresses
gen. Benedict (мужское имя); Benedick; Benedick (мужское имя)
lit. Benedict (в комедии Шекспира "Много шума из ничего" убеждённый холостяк); Benedick (в комедии Шекспира "Много шума из ничего" давший обет безбрачия молодой вельможа Падуи, которого безжалостно третирует Беатриче)
names Benedick (в комедии У. Шекспира "Много шума из ничего" (1598) убеждённый холостяк, к-рый женится на Беатриче); Benedict (имя 15 рим. пап)
rel., christ. Benedictus (имя browser)
relig. Benedict (XIII) (Antipope from 1394 to 1423 who maintained to the end of his life that he was the rightful Pope and created four new cardinals as late as November 1422; XIII); Benedict (XIV) (Counter-antipope from 1425 to с 1433 who so secretly conducted his office that even his residence was uncertain, and he thus became known as the "hidden Pope"; XIV)
Бенедикт XV n
names Benedict XV (1854 — 1922, на папском престоле с 1914. Восстановил прерванные с 17 в. отношения с Англией)
relig. Benedict (Pope from 1914 to 1922. His last years were concerned with readjusting the machinery of papal administration made necessary by the territorial changes that followed the war and with directives on missionary work)
Бенедикт XIII n
relig. Benedict (Pope from 1724 to 1730 who continued the opposition of the papacy to Jansenism, although allowed the Dominicans to preach the Augustinian doctrine of grace, which bordered on the Jansenist teaching. A scholar, Benedict wrote many theological works)
Бенедикт II n
relig. Benedict (Pope from 684 to 685. During his pontificate, Benedict restored several Roman churches)
Бенедикт IV n
relig. Benedict (Pope from 900 to 903 who reigned during one of the darkest periods of papal history, and little is known of his life or acts)
Бенедикт VII n
relig. Benedict (Pope from 974 to 983. He furthered the cause of monasticism and acted against simony, specifically in an encyclical letter in 981 forbidding the exaction of money for the conferring of any holy order)
Бенедикт X n
relig. Benedict (X) (Antipope from April 1058 to January 1059. His expulsion from the papal throne was followed by a reform in the law governing papal elections)
Бенедикт XII n
relig. Benedict (Pope from 1334 to 1342; he was the third pontiff to reign at Avignon, where he devoted himself to reform of the church and its religious orders)
Бенедикт XIV n
relig. Benedict (Pope from 1740 to 1758. His intelligence and moderation won praise even among deprecators of the Roman Church at a time when it was beset by criticism from the philosophers of the Enlightenment and its prerogatives were being challenged by absolutist monarchs)
Бенедикт I n
relig. Benedict (Pope from 574/575 to 579 who ruled the church during a period made calamitous by invasion and by famine)
Бенедикт III n
relig. Benedict HI (Pope from 855 to 858 who was chosen as successor to Leo IV in July 855. He reprimanded the Frankish bishops, whose inaction he blamed as the source of misery in their empire. Benedict also was responsible for the repair of Roman churches damaged by the Saracens in 846)
Бенедикт VI n
relig. Benedict (Pope from January 19, 973, to July 974 who purportedly was strangled by the deacon Franco, later known as antipope Boniface VII)
Бенедикт IX n
relig. Benedict (Pope three times, from 1032 to 1044, from April to May 1045, and from 1047 to 1048)
Бенедикт XI n
relig. Benedict (Pope from 1303 to 1304. He was unanimously elected Pope and did much to conciliate his predecessor's enemies)
Бенедикт VIII n
relig. Benedict (Pope from 1012 to 1024, the first of several pontiffs from the powerful Tusculani family. A council summoned by Benedict at Pavia, Lombardy, in 1022, forbade uncelibate clergy and the sale of church offices)
бенедикт n
bot. Cnicys
Gruzovik, bot. Cnicus
Бенедикта n
rel., christ. Benedicta (имя browser)
 Russian thesaurus
Бенедикт n
names Бенедикт XV 1854 - 1922 - римский папа. В 1907 г. был назначен болонским архиепископом, в 1914 г. получил звание кардинала и был избран на папский престол. Во время мировой войны делал некоторые попытки примирить враждующие стороны. 1000 биографий
Бенедикт XV n
gen. Benedictus, в миру маркиз Джакомо делла Кьеза, Giacomo della Chiesa, 1854-1922 папа Римский с 1914. С 1878 на папской дипломатической службе, архиепископ Болоньи 1907, кардинал 1914. Избранный папой спустя месяц после начала 1-ой мировой войны, сделал несколько неудачных попыток достичь мира, протестовал против негуманных методов ведения войны. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
Бенедикт XIII n
gen. Benedictus, в миру Пьетро Франческо Орсини, Pietro Francesco Orsini, 1649-1730 папа Римский с 1724. Монах доминиканского ордена, кардинал 1672, архиепископ Чезены 1680 и Беневенто 1686. В 1725 созвал Латеранский собор, подтвердил буллу "Unigenitus", осуждающую янсенизм. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
Бенедикт XIV n
gen. Benedictus, в миру Просперо Ламбертини, Prospero Lambertini, 1675-1758 папа Римский с 1740. Епископ Анконы 1727, кардинал 1728, архиепископ Болоньи 1731. Пользовался авторитетом у католических и протестантских правителей Европы. В буллах "Ex quo singulari" и "Omnium sollicitudinum" осудил миссионерскую практику иезуитов в Индии и Китае. Автор исследования об истории и порядке беатификации и канонизации в Католической церкви. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
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