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Мы пахали
 мы пахали!
ironic. we've been ploughing!; a fly sat on the horse's back and said: we ploughed together!; he was a big help!; some help he was!
| сказала
gen. tell; catch up
| муха
gen. fly
| сидя
nautic. draw
| у
gen. by
| лошади
Makarov. equine animal
| на ухе
 на ухо
gen. word in ear

to phrases
мы пахали!stresses
ironic. we've been ploughing! (said by a fly sitting on a tired ox's horns; О том, кто хочет показать себя участником какой-либо работы, хотя на деле его участие является ничтожным и работа выполнена не им (из басни И. И.Дмитриева "Муха"); тж. см. a fly on the wheel Taras); a fly sat on the horse's back and said: we ploughed together! (Taras); he was a big help! (said mockingly of a person who claims to have helped in some work but actually did little or nothing Taras); some big help he was! ("Тимченко утверждает, что работал вместе с вами над проектом" – "Он-то? И мы пахали! Да он ровно ничего не сделал!" – "Timchenko insists he worked on this project with you" "Him? Some help he was! He did absolutely nothing!" Taras); we worked hard, didn't we? (in limited contexts Taras); the fly sat upon the axle-tree of the chariot-wheel and said: what a dust do I raise! (Taras)
proverb there is a deal of difference between go and gow (used sarcastically to mean: those who were merely present at the work done by others, say now they had also "participated"); our fathers won boulogne, who never came within the report of the cannon; they say they did their bit
Мы пахали'
: 1 phrase in 1 subject