
Czech-Russian dictionary  
Subject Number of entries
Accounting 82
Acoustics 12
Affectionate 16
Agriculture 19.308
Agrochemistry 11
Agronomy 807
Ampelography 53
Anatomy 716
Anthropology 9
Archaeology 19
Architecture 409
Art 84
Astronomy 8.578
Automated equipment 197
Aviation 71
Avuncular 10
Banking 1
Beekeeping 306
Bible 9
Biochemistry 114
Biology 907
Book binding 2
Bookish / literary 3.932
Botany 2.774
Building materials 188
Building structures 532
Business 6
Card games 49
Cartography 1
Cement 20
Ceramics 18
Chemistry 997
Chess 44
Childish 52
Chromatography 5
Cinematography 54
Clerical 249
Clinical trial 3
Collective 86
College vernacular 63
Commerce 114
Communications 86
Construction 33.133
Cooking 223
Cytology 29
Dialectal 15
Diplomacy 23
Disapproving 733
Diseases 2
Economy 863
Education 166
Electrical engineering 62
Electronics 221
Emphatic 4.643
Engineering 85
Entomology 578
Environment 5.184
Epistolary 4
Ethnography 38
Euphemistic 33
Fairy tales 22
Figurative 4.262
Finances 72
Finishing 18
Food industry 77
Forestry 4.547
Formal 113
Foundation engineering 3
Furniture 6
Gambling 1
Gardening 127
General 160.643
Geography 1.465
Geology 318
Geometry 233
Glass production 62
Government, administration and public services 1
Gynecology 1
Historical 360
Horticulture 356
Humorous / Jocular 49
Hunting 82
Hydraulic engineering 120
Hydrology 106
Ichthyology 257
Idiomatic 1
Industry 1
Informal 4.722
Information technology 1
Ironical 120
Isolation 1
Jargon 3
Journalism terminology 8
Law 497
Lighting other than cinema 17
Linguistics 1.158
Literature 1.946
Local name 30
Logic 23
Machinery and mechanisms 199
Magnetics 11
Mammals 60
Mathematics 398
Mechanic engineering 6
Mechanics 176
Medical 1.349
Melioration 109
Metallurgy 106
Meteorology 212
Microscopy 65
Microsoft 14.043
Military 787
Mineralogy 123
Mining 300
Music 417
Mycology 80
Mythology 26
Nautical 41
Nonstandard 5.144
Nuclear physics 24
Obsolete / dated 1.612
Ornithology 199
Packaging 2
Pedagogics 9
Pharmacology 23
Pharmacy and pharmacology 82
Philosophy 129
Photography 91
Physics 646
Physiology 87
Phytophathology 375
Plumbing 42
Poetic 45
Politics 116
Polygraphy 167
Pompous 17
Postal service 73
Production 3
Professional jargon 1
Psychology 26
Radio 5
Rail transport 164
Records management 3
Reinforced concrete 2
Religion 69
Research and development 2
Road works 90
Rude 400
Saying 267
School 1
Sewing and clothing industry 19
Slang 216
Soil mechanics 3
Soil science 367
Spoken 1
Sports 1.122
Statistics 3
Surveying 163
Technology 3.050
Textile industry 224
Theatre 48
Thermal engineering 6
Tools 95
Transport 78
Travel 6
Uncommon / rare 1
Ventilation 39
Vernacular language 27
Veterinary medicine 675
Welding 36
Wiring 1
Wood processing 10
Zoology 678
Zootechnics 763
Total: 304.913