
Polish-Danish dictionary  
Subject Number of entries
Accounting 569
Agriculture 1.507
Animal husbandry 209
Art 8
Astronautics 23
Banking 263
Book binding 5
Business 157
Chemistry 2.554
Coal 19
Commerce 506
Communications 1.075
Computers 17
Construction 173
Corporate governance 14
Criminal law 412
Cultural studies 44
Customs 175
Data processing 107
Demography 28
Earth sciences 285
Ecology 122
Economy 8.454
Education 1.242
Electronics 367
Employment 48
Energy industry 436
Environment 6.653
European Union 51
Finances 5.223
Fish farming pisciculture 1.349
Food industry 1.239
Forestry 58
General 5.482
Geography 707
Geophysics 12
Government, administration and public services 241
Ground forces Army 1
Health care 1.824
Hobbies and pastimes 54
Human rights activism 672
Ichthyology 41
Immigration and citizenship 412
Industry 193
Information technology 641
Insurance 200
International law 77
International trade 173
Investment 47
Labor law 98
Labor organization 24
Latin American 9
Law 3.230
Leather 3
Life sciences 1.498
Mammals 54
Marketing 124
Materials science 75
Mathematics 3.106
Mechanic engineering 139
Medical 1.617
Metallurgy 71
Microsoft 11.122
Mineral products 67
Mining 2
Municipal planning 43
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation 112
Natural sciences 300
Nautical 1
Nuclear and fusion power 29
Nuclear physics 141
Obsolete / dated 1.136
Oil / petroleum 35
Ornithology 53
Patents 165
Pharmacy and pharmacology 512
Physical sciences 127
Politics 1.843
Private international law 19
Procedural law 718
Public relations 3
Religion 41
Research and development 130
Scientific 54
Security systems 45
Social science 950
Sociology 54
Statistics 651
Sugar production 20
Taxes 218
Technology 280
Textile industry 12
Trade unions 53
Transport 2.629
United Nations 300
Waste management 22
Wood processing 9
Work flow 33
Total: 76.146