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adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
NAV abbr.
abbr. Navajo; Net Asset Value; navigate; Navigational
abbr., AI. Network Allocation Vector
abbr., auto. navigation system; not available
abbr., avia. radio navigation aids
abbr., EBRD net asset value per share (raf)
abbr., el. navigation (al); net added value; Norton anti-virus
abbr., fin. net asset value (Alexander Matytsin)
abbr., mil. Naval; Navigation; Navy
abbr., mil., air.def. navigation message
abbr., mil., avia. nano air vehicle
abbr., O&G, sakh. Safety of Navigation Subcommittee
abbr., scient. North America Vertical
abbr., sec.sys., IT Norton Anti Virus
abbr., st.exch. Navistar International Corporation
invest., abbr. net asset value
nav. abbr.
abbr. navigator; naval; navigational
abbr., earth.sc. navigation
nav abbr.
abbr. naval
abbr., mil. navigator NAV
abbr., oil navigational
avia. navigator (MichaelBurov)
Nav abbr.
abbr., subm. navigator (штурман Val_Ships)
NaV abbr.
abbr. nausea and vomiting
Nav. adj.
insur. Navigable
NAV abbr.
abbr., busin. navigator
abbr., oil navigable; net annual value
abbr., physiol. Nerve Action Potential (iwona)
abbr., textile net assets value
: 3 phrases in 1 subject