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ICA abbr.
abbr. Independent Contracting Agent; Integration Control Agreement; International Coffee Agreement; ignition-capable apparatus (ABelonogov); In Country Audit (vlad-and-slav); Independent Contractor Agreement (vbadalov); Information Connection Architecture (SGI); Integrated Chameleon Architecture (SGML); International Council on Archives; International Co-operative Alliance; International Cogeneration Agency
abbr., account. internal cost allocation (harser); International Congress of Accountants
abbr., acoust. International Comission on Acoustics
abbr., anat. a. carotis interna (MichaelBurov); ICA artery (MichaelBurov); internal carotid artery (MichaelBurov)
abbr., astronaut. International Cartographic Association
abbr., auto. ignition control additive
abbr., avia. Icabaru, Venezuela; independent cost assessment; International Claims Association
abbr., bank. Interbank Card Association Number
abbr., commer. International Commodity Arrangement
abbr., comp. Intelligent Communications Adapter (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., IT Interface Connector Assembly
abbr., comp., net. Intelligent Console Architecture; intercomputer adapter; interapplication communication architecture
abbr., earth.sc. inclined cascade aeration; incremental consequence assessment; influent control approach; information control algorithm; initial contributing area; instrumentation, control and automation; internal correspondence analysis; International Confederation of Algology; International Commission on Acoustics; international commodity agreement; International Commodity Association; International Copper Association, Ltd.; intraseasonal convection anomaly
abbr., econ. International Cooperation Administration (Vosoni); International Cocoa Agreement
abbr., ed. Internet Classroom Assistant
abbr., ed., scient. Interuniversity Conference Of Agriculture
abbr., el. ideal current amplifier; indenecarboxylic acid; information content architecture; integrated circuit analyzer; integrated circuit array; integrated communications adapter; inter computer adapter; international common access; international communication agency
abbr., el., scient. Isotropically Conductive Adhesive
abbr., el., sec.sys. Ignition-Capable Apparatus
abbr., file.ext. Institute of Chartered Accountants; Intra-application Communications Area; Icon archive (IoCA)
abbr., fishery Integrated Catch-at-age Analysis (Ying)
abbr., immunol. islet cell antibodies
abbr., inet. Internet Commerce Association (PAYX)
abbr., IT Citrix file; Image Object Content Architecture Bitmap graphics file; Interapplications Communications Architecture; International Communications Association; immediate constituent analyzer; industrial communication association; integrated communication adapter; international communication association
abbr., law I Check All
abbr., med. Immunocytochemical Analysis; Internal Carotid Artery; Interstitial Cystitis Association; internal carotid artery (harser); invasive coronary angiography (iwona); intracranial aneurysm (iwona)
abbr., mil. Independent Cost Analysis
abbr., mil., avia. impedance-coupled amplifier
abbr., mil., WMD Independent cost analysis/assessment
abbr., multimed. independent computing architecture
abbr., oil Intergas central Asia; in-situ crosslinked acid; instrument compressed air; interactive competition-and-activation; International Committee on Acoustics; International Congress on Acoustics; Interstate Commerce Act
abbr., org.name. International Cooperative Alliance; Infrastructure Consortium for Africa
abbr., progr. independent component analysis (clck.ru dimock)
abbr., scottish Industrial Co-operation Agreement
abbr., space initial cruise altitude; International Committee of Aerospace Activities
abbr., textile Individual Commodity Agreement; International Colour Authority
abbr., tradem. Indigenous Communications Australia
abbr., UN Institute of Cultural Affairs
abbr., UN, cartogr. international cartographic association
energ.ind., abbr. item control area
mil., abbr. individual combat actions; intelligence collection area; interagency communications agency; investigative and corrective action; item change analysis
tech., abbr. indole-3-carboxylic acid; interapplication communications architecture; intracavity absorption
ICA. abbr.
abbr., med. intracranial aneurysm
ICa abbr.
abbr., oil inelastic calcium
ica abbr.
NGO Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (Розмари)
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