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DDM abbr.
abbr. Document Data Maintenance; discounted dividend model (Alexander Matytsin); Digital Data Multiplexer; Distributed Data Manager (IBM); device descriptor module; diphenyldiazomethane
abbr., agric. dry matter digestibility
abbr., auto. driver door module (translator911); design, drafting & manufacturing; driver-door module
abbr., automat. design, drafting and manufacturing
abbr., avia. Dodoima, Papua New Guinea; depth of differential modulation (Interex); digital data module (Interex); difference in depth of modulation; design; drafting and manufacturing; design decision memo; design definition memo; design development memorandum; direct digital mode; distributed distribution management system
abbr., biotechn. dodecylmaltoside (Altuntash)
abbr., chem. 2,2'-dihydroxy-5,5'-dichlorodiphenylmethane
abbr., comp., net. distributed data manager
abbr., cryo. degree day model
abbr., dril. downhole drilling motor (MichaelBurov); Derrick Drilling Machine (стационарный верхний привод Belk)
abbr., earth.sc. dynamic disaggregation model
abbr., econ. dividend discount model (Семейство финансовых моделей, рассчитывающих "справедливую" стоимость акций, основанную на дисконтировании будущих дивидендных поступлений. Markbusiness)
abbr., el. data display monitor; data distribution manager; decision directed measurement; defect data management; deformable dipole model; device description module; distributed database management; drift-diffusion mode; dummy diffraction mask; dynamic decision model
abbr., el., scient. Dave Dan And Mike
abbr., IT Data Diffusion Machine; Dependent Data Mart; Distributed Data Management
abbr., med. Differential Diagnosis Manager (syndrome); Diploma In Dermatological Medicine (syndrome); Doctor In Dental Medicine (syndrome); Dyke-Davidoff-Masson (syndrome); Doctor Of Dental Medicine
abbr., media. Digital Distribution Of Music
abbr., mil. Defense Logistics Agency Distribution Mapping; digital data modem
abbr., mil., air.def. difference degree modulation
abbr., mil., avia. data demand module
abbr., O&G, sakh. downhole drilling motor
abbr., oil design, drafting and manufacture; difference in depth-of-modulation; p, p’-diamino-diphenyl methane
abbr., pharm. demethoxydaunorubicin
abbr., plast. diamino diphenyl methane
abbr., polit. Direct Democracy Manifesto
abbr., polym. diaminodiphenylmethane (bonly); dodecyl mercaptan
abbr., progr., IT Device Driver Module; Drop Down Menu
abbr., space data distribution management; design-driven manufacturing; drop dynamics module
abbr., sport. Deadliest Death Match
abbr., tech. difference in depth modulation; Difference in Depth of Modulation (Vosoni)
abbr., telecom. direction division multiplexing
energ.ind. direct derivative method
tech. data display module; data display monitoring; department of data management; derived delta modulation; digestible dry matter; digital display machine; digital display makeup; double-diffused mesa