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with beer being the treasure
abbr. hash (The Global hash concept is simple: the "hares" lay a trail with flour, signs or shredded paper and the hashers follow it. As each person has their own physical condition (or lack thereof), not everyone runs at the same speed – but the idea is to follow the trail and keep the pack more or less together. The way the hares achieve this, is that in addition to laying a trail to follow, they also lay false trails (Check-Backs), tricking the front runners (Front Running Bastards - FRB's) and eventually bringing them back to the pack. Also Check-Forward marks are used force FRBs to search for the next part of the trail, while the slower runners catch up. Shortcutting and walking are allowed/positively encouraged (and finable), but competitive running is "severely" punished! After the actual Run: The run is followed by the "down-down" ceremony. This is something like a kangaroo court, where the 'religious advisor' is inaugurated to absolve you of your crimes committed on the run or otherwise worthy of 'punishment/recognition'. The wrongdoers have to swallow a pint of beer (actually somewhat less) while the rest of the hashers are singing. And what they can't drink, they have to tip on their heads!" Углов)
: 3 phrases in 1 subject