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node [nəʊd] n
comp., MS tinkuy (A location in a hierarchy (often a tree structure) that can have links to one or more nodes below it)
 English thesaurus
Nodes [nəʊdz] n
el., abbr. N
node [nəʊd] n
IT Point at which terminals are given access to a network
USA A location in a mobility system where a movement requirement is originated, processed for onward movement, or terminated (JP 3-17); In communications and computer systems, the physical location that provides terminating, switching, and gateway access services to support information exchange (JP 6-0); An element of a system that represents a person, place, or physical thing (JP 3-0)
NODES abbr.
abbr., progr., IT Network Operation And Design Engineering System
abbr., securit. NASDAQ Order Delivery and Execution System
NODE [nəʊd] n
tech. noise diode
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