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math. streitu
| Level
comp., MS stig
| Elimination
math. brotthvarf
Exercise | Plan
comp., MS áætlun
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

adjective | abbreviation
stress [stres] adj.
math. streitu
 English thesaurus
STRESS [stres] abbr.
abbr., el. structural engineering system solver
abbr., physiol., med. Situations That Release Emergency Signals Or Stimuli
abbr., scottish Satellite Transmission Effects Simulations
mil. satellite transmission effects simulation
stress [stres] abbr.
abbr., automat. strs
lit. In linguistics, stress is the emphasis, length and loudness that characterise one syllable as more prominent than another. In poetry, see meter and sonnets.
STRESS [stres] abbr.
abbr., comp. structural engineering system solver; structural engineering system solver program