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gen. trama
| streak
agric. pica
industr. construct. chem. linea de separacion entre dos esmaltes sobrepuestos
med. estría
agric. picado
chem. formación de franjas; franjas
commun. arrastre
met. veteado

to phrases
weft [weft] n
gen. trama f
industr., construct. trenzado m
 English thesaurus
WEFT [weft] abbr.
abbr. Web Embedding Font Tool (MS, WWW)
abbr., avia. wings, engine, fuselage, tail
abbr., progr., IT Web Embedding Fonts Tool
abbr., radio FM-90.1, Champaign, Illinois
abbr., scottish Wings, Engines, Fuselage, Tail
abbr., tech. wings, engine, fuselage and tail
mil. wing, engine, fuselage, tail
: 109 phrases in 4 subjects
Natural sciences1
Textile industry27