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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
 English thesaurus
alts abbr.
abbr. alternations per minute
ALT [ælt] abbr.
abbr., auto. alliance Internationale de Tourisme; automatic head-light tester
abbr., avia. airborne link terminal; apply locating template; approach light system
abbr., plast.surg. anterolateral thigh
Alt [ælt] n
Alt key
Alt. abbr.
abbr. Alter
Alt [ælt] abbr.
abbr., auto. alternate key
Alt. n
law, abbr. attorney
ALT. abbr.
abbr., file.ext. Alternate lifestyle (USENET Newsgroup Category)
ALTS abbr.
abbr. Association for Local Telecommunications Services (organization, USA); Automatic Laser Tracking System; LNG Technical Services (SEIC ABelonogov)
abbr., avia. altitude select
abbr., el. analog line-terminating subsystem; automatic laser testing set; automatic line test set
abbr., med. Acute Lumbar Trauma Syndrome; Acute Lumbar Traumatic Sprain Or Syndrome; Association Of Laparoscopic Theatre Staff
abbr., mil., air.def. airborne laser tracker system
abbr., mil., avia. advanced Lunar transportation system
abbr., scottish Automatic Laser Test Set
abbr., space altimeter setting
physiol. Acute lumbar trauma syndrome
: 6 phrases in 4 subjects
International Monetary Fund1