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comp., MS Problema
gen. prueba
comp., MS problema
health. problema
math. el problema
| Language
polit. LENGUA
comp., MS Lenguaje
comp., MS lenguaje
econ. lenguaje
| Analyzer
IT analizador
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
problem ['prɔbləm] n
gen. prueba f
comp., MS problema m (A grouping that means that all events have the identical call stack. By consolidating events by problem, IT personnel can prioritize their efforts to correct an issue based on the number of events in the group)
health. problema m
math. el problema
patents. tarea f
Problem ['prɔbləm] n
comp., MS Problema m (An option available in the Case Type drop-down list. A customer service representative (CSR) can select this option for a customer who is reporting an issue with a product or service)
 English thesaurus
problem ['prɔbləm] abbr.
abbr. pb
IT In IT, the unknown underlying cause of one or more incidents
mil., abbr. prob
Problem Language
: 4 phrases in 1 subject
Information technology4