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pharma. Paridad
anim.husb. paridez; número de partos
bank. cambio a la par
comp., MS de paridad; paridad
fin. valor a la par
IMF. paridad; relación de paridad
| of
gen. ante
| Product
environ. producto
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
parity ['pærɪtɪ] n
anim.husb. paridez f
bank. cambio a la par
comp., MS de paridad (Pertaining to the resiliency type for a volume that stripes data and parity information across physical disks in a Microsoft Storage Spaces storage pool); paridad f (The quality of sameness or equivalence, in the case of computers usually referring to an error-checking procedure in which the number of 1s must always be the same --either even or odd-- for each group of bits transmitted without error)
fin. valor a la par
IMF. paridad f (SCN93); relación de paridad
IT, el. paridad f
Parity ['pærɪtɪ] n
pharma. Paridad f
parity number of previously borne viable offspring ['pærɪtɪ] n
anim.husb. número de partos
 English thesaurus
Parity ['pærɪtɪ] n
d.b.., abbr. P
PARITy ['pærɪtɪ] abbr.
abbr. Passive Aeromechanical Regulation of Imbalanced Torques (ВВладимир)
Parity of
: 15 phrases in 7 subjects
International Monetary Fund2