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RoA abbr.
gen. Record of Achievement (Anglophile)
abbr., physiol. Route of Administration
ROA abbr.
abbr. Return On Average; Romance; real options analysis (Alexander Matytsin); Radio Operator Authorization; Radio Operators Authorization; Red Oak Academies; Reserve Officers Association; Roanoke, Virginia USA; Romance (Other); Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Закон о реабилитации преступников Ekzodar); rules of air
abbr., account. return on assets
abbr., avia. restricted operations area; remotely operated aircraft; rules of the air
abbr., commer. Reinsurance Offices Association
abbr., econ. Rest of Asia (lexicographer)
abbr., el. radius of action; rapid optical anneal; remote optical assembly; routing optimizing analysis
abbr., invest. return on assets (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT Return on Asset
abbr., med. Regurgitant Orifice Area (fetal Position); right occipitoanterior (fetal position); Route of Administration; radio operator's aptitude test; right occipitoanterior position of the fetus
abbr., mil. Retired Officers' Association
abbr., mil., avia. radio operator's aptitude
abbr., O&G, sakh. reduction of area
abbr., oil rate of advance
abbr., org.name. Socio-Economic Analysis and Policy Implications of the Roles of Agriculture in Developing Countries
abbr., patents. response to office action (Boris54)
abbr., pharm. route of administration (путь введения peregrin)
abbr., physiol., med. Right Occiput Anterior
abbr., post Roanoke, Virginia abbreviation (in 2003 USPS ink jet printer test cancellation)
abbr., st.exch. Return On Assets
abbr., transp. Riders Of Apocalypse
energ.ind., abbr. real options analysis
tech. radio operator aptitude test
roa abbr.
econ. received on account