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Me [mi:]
comp., MS Unë (A tile in the Start screen that provides to the user quick access to post messages, check in to locations, or review notifications from various services and social networks)
me [mi:]
comp., MS unë (The UI label in Messenger for the aspect of the social view that displays unprioritized recent social activity of the user)
 English thesaurus
Mes n
geol. Messinian (MichaelBurov); Messinian Age (MichaelBurov); Messinian strata (MichaelBurov); Messinian time (MichaelBurov); Messinian Stage (MichaelBurov); Messinian sequence (MichaelBurov)
ME [mi:] abbr.
abbr. mill extraction
abbr., AI. Minimum Energy
abbr., auto. mid engine; Motor-Electronik; Motronic engine management; Motronic with electronic throttle control; multiplex electrics
abbr., avia. machining error; maintenance event; maintenance expense; maneuver envelope; manufacturing engineer/manufacturing engineering; methods engineering; missed effectivity; mission effectiveness; mission essential; Middle East Airlines
abbr., biol. methionine enkephalin
abbr., oil magneto-electric (surveys)
abbr., proj.manag. megabyte; multinational enterprises
Me [mi:] abbr.
abbr., med. Br methyl bromide
Me. abbr.
abbr. Maine Reports; Maine; metal
abbr., chem. methyl
abbr., earth.sc. memoirs
mE [mi:] abbr.
abbr. meters east (igisheva); metres east (igisheva)
ME [mi:] abbr.
abbr., meteorol. M.u. (MichaelBurov); M.E. (MichaelBurov); Mache (MichaelBurov)
me% abbr.
abbr. milligram-equivalent percent
abbr. mete (Cockroach Slayer)
ME [mi:] abbr.
abbr. muzzle end (smovas); maintenance entities; measurement engine; metallurgical engineer; metallurgical engineering; Maine; Mid East; Middle East; Minimum Effort; Mutant Enemy; My Eyes; Magnetic Estimation; Malicious Environment; Mapping Entity; marine engineer; marriage encounter; Master Evaluator; Master of Education; Maximum Envy; measuring equipment; mechanical efficiency; mechanical/electrical; Media Engineering; medical examiner; Memory Express (Company); Memphis Field Office; Mental Efficiency; Mental Error; Message Encryption; Method Entry; Microsoft Exasperation; Migraine Edition; mining engineer; Mission Engineer; Mission Environment; Mistake Edition; miter end; molecular electronics; Montreal Exchange; Montreal Stock Exchange; Morristown and Erie Railway Incorporated; Most Excellent; Mostly Enraging; Multimedia Engineering; Munitions Effectiveness; Music And Eats; My Effectiveness; Mechanical Engineer
abbr., agric. mature equivalent; metabolizable energy
abbr., amer. Medical Examiner (Val_Ships)
abbr., automat. manufacturing engineer; mechanical engineering
abbr., avia. maintenance engineering; mission envelope
abbr., biol. available energy
abbr., busin. machine; Managing Editor; medical engineering; metal; Mining Engineering; medical examination; medium
abbr., comp., net. media engine
abbr., earth.sc. matter exchange; maximum entropy; maximum error; mean error; mechano-electronic; megacycles per second; metamorphic; metasynthetic engineering; meteorological equator; methods of estimation; Mexico; micro-electronics; mining enterprise; moisture equivalent; moment equation; moment estimates
abbr., ed. Management Evaluation; Marketing Education
abbr., ed., scient. Mechanical Engineering
abbr., el. metal evaporated (tape); magnetically enhanced (plasma processing); magnetoelastic; magnetoelectret; magnetron etching; main entry; main exchange; maintenance entity; management entity; maximum entropy approach; meander electrode; measurement entity; mechanoelectronic; medical electronics; memory element; message element; methanol; microelectronics; microprocessor exerciser; microwave electronics; minienvironment; mixeffects (amplifier); mobility edge model; modular electronics; modulation efficiency; Moire effect; monitoring equipment; motion estimation; multimedia extension; multiuser editor; music and effect; music electronics; mutual exclusion
abbr., electr.eng. magnetoelectric
abbr., file.ext. Ascii text (READ.ME); Formatted manual page with me macros; MultiEdit Configuration; MultiEdit configuration (MultiEdit Vosoni); Text file READ.ME (Vosoni)
abbr., geophys. moisture element
abbr., IT Microarray Expression; Mobile Equipment; More Errors
abbr., lab.eq. Mature Equivalent
abbr., Makarov. matastable evaporation
abbr., med. Mouse Epithelial (cell); Muscle Examination; Mobile Edition; myalgic encephalomyelitis (миалгический энцефаломиелит Dimpassy); IU (traductrice-russe.com)
abbr., med.appl. medical electric (об оборудовании igisheva)
abbr., media. Mobile Entertainment
abbr., mil., avia. magnetic-electric
abbr., multimed. manchester encoding
abbr., O&G expected monetary value (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Ministry of Economy
abbr., O&G, sakh. MEDT of Russia; Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation
abbr., oil magic eye; magnetotellurics; main effort; management engineer; manufacturing engineering; mechanical/electric; mechanical exhaust; memory error; method engineering; Middle East Oil Technical Conference and Exhibition; miscible equivalence; mitre end
abbr., physiol. Metaphysis and Epiphysis; Mineral Efficiency
abbr., physiol., med. Medical examiner; Metabolizable Energy; My Eye; Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
abbr., polym. maintenance equipment; multiphase equilibria
abbr., progr., IT Microsoft Explorer; Millenium Edition; Millennium Edition
abbr., qual.cont. maintenance of equipment
abbr., relig. Methodist Episcopal
abbr., scient. Master Of Engineering
abbr., scottish Maintenance Error; Manoeuvre Enhancement mode; Marine Engineering; Mass Effectiveness; Maine (US state)
abbr., space measuring error; microelectronic element; micrometeoroid explorer; mission-essential
abbr., vet.med., med. Metabolic Energy
energ.ind. machine engineer; maintenance engineer; material engineer; measurement error; metering error; mild environment; missile energy; municipal engineer
meteorol. multiengined
mil. magnitude estimation; main engine; management engineering; manpower estimate; manual of engineering; map exercise; measuring element; mechanical engineer; mechanical equipment; medium equipment; military education; military electronics; military engineer; military engineering; minimum elevation; miscellaneous equipment; missile electrician; mobility equipment; multi-engine; muzzle energy
milk. Mercaptoethanol
tech. maintenance effectiveness; master element; mean effective; meter; microelectronic; milliequivalent; milligram-equivalent; moisture content
.ME abbr.
IT application/x-troff-me
Me [mi:] abbr.
abbr. methyl; Mossbauer Effect; mechanical computer; megacurie
abbr., chem. methyl
abbr., earth.sc. mellilite; merwinite; metal atom; metallic
energ.ind. before top center
formal Maine
me [mi:] abbr.
abbr. electron mass; maximum effect; maximum effort; milligram equivalent; millicurie
abbr., earth.sc. mellite
abbr., tech. manhole cover
met. megacycle
Scotl. us (see us contracted see's: See us, see me, pass to me КГА)
me. abbr.
abbr. machine; machinery; machinist
abbr., earth.sc. medium; milliequivalent
.me abbr.
file.ext. Opening Information (file name extension, As in READ.ME)
: 2 phrases in 1 subject