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systems analysis
 systems analysis
environ. rendszerelemzés
of | vulnerability
agric. fertőzhetőség; fertőzés iránti fogékonyság; hajlam fertőzésre
commun. environ. sebezhetőség
and | effectiveness
agric. hatásfok; hatásosság
econ. account. eredményesség
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
systems analysis A means of organizing elements into an integrated analytic and/or decisionmaking procedure to achieve the best possible results
environ. rendszerelemzés
 English thesaurus
System Analysis ['sɪstɪmə'nælɪsɪs]
abbr. SA (Alex Lilo)
systems analysis
IT The systems development phase in which systems specifications and conceptual designs are developed based on end-user needs and requirements
systems analysis
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Food industry2