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Special operations
 special operations
gen. különleges feladatok
| are
math. aszimptotikus relatív hatékonyság
military operations conducted | by
patents. által; révén; útján
the | special operation
 special operations
gen. különleges feladatok
| command
comp., MS parancs
gymn. vezényel; vezényszó
or that of the | armed forces
 armed forces
environ. fegyveres erők
| units
comp., MS erőforrás-mennyiség
specially | designated
IT kijelölt
organized | trained
environ. képzés
and | equipped
agric. berendez
| called
patents. megnevez
special forces | to
el. akadályoz
| reach
box. ütőhatár
military | objectives
comp., MS cél
or | objectives
comp., MS cél
of military | significance
law transp. mech.eng. jelentőség
with | a
gen. 1. с.х. válogatott
strategic | value
stat. scient. adott mennyiség értéke
and | imposing
patents. kiró
| a
gen. 1. с.х. válogatott
strict | permanent
gen. állandó
| control
comp., MS vezérlő
These | actions
comp., MS Műveletek
that | implement
IT lab.law. tech. végrehajtani
| operational
agric. kihasználási
| techniques
agric. felvétel
and courses of action unusual with conventional forces but do not | exclude
patents. kizár
the | support
coal. támogatni
of conventional forces | are
math. aszimptotikus relatív hatékonyság
conducted | in
voll. bent
peacetime | times
agric. határidő
of | crisis
med. ACME
or wartime apart from | conventional
IT gen. hagyományos
| operations
patents. munkamenet
or | in cooperation with
 in cooperation with
gen. valamivel együttmûködve
the latter These | are
math. aszimptotikus relatív hatékonyság
military operations overt or | covert
agric. fekvőhely
but | not
gen. nem
clandestine | commanded
patents. rendel
| by
patents. által
the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff | Military activities
 military activities
environ. katonai tevékenységek
conducted | by
patents. által
specially | designated
IT kijelölt
organized | trained
environ. képzés
and | equipped
agric. berendez
| forces
patents. hatály
| using
patents. használ
| operational
agric. kihasználási
| techniques
agric. felvétel
and | modes
agric. felvétel
of | employment
environ. foglakoztatottság
not standard | to
el. akadályoz
conventional forces These | activities
earth.sc. nucl.pow. bomlási sebesség
| are
math. aszimptotikus relatív hatékonyság
conducted across the | full range
 full range
gen. teljes kör
of military operations independently or in coordination with | operations
patents. munkamenet
of conventional forces | to
el. akadályoz
achieve | political
relig. politikai
military psychological and | economic objectives
 economic objective
econ. gazdasági cél
Politicomilitary | considerations
account. ellenérték
may | require
patents. követel
clandestine | covert
agric. fekvőhely
or discreet | techniques
agric. felvétel
and the | acceptance
patents. átvétel
of a | degree
ed. diploma
of | physical
agric. fizikai
and | political
relig. politikai
| risk
environ. kockázat
| not
gen. nem
| associated
gen. társak
with | conventional
IT gen. hagyományos
| operations
patents. munkamenet
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

special operations
gen. különleges feladatok
 English thesaurus
special operations
mil., logist. Special operations are military operations conducted by the special operation command or that of the armed forces units specially designated, organized, trained and equipped, called special forces, to reach military objectives or objectives of military significance with a strategic value and imposing a strict permanent control. These actions that implement operational techniques and courses of action unusual with conventional forces but do not exclude the support of conventional forces, are conducted in peacetime, times of crisis or wartime, apart from conventional operations special independent operations or in cooperation with the latter adapted special operations. These are military operations, overt or covert, but not clandestine, commanded by the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. FRA Military activities conducted by specially designated, organized, trained and equipped forces using operational techniques and modes of employment not standard to conventional forces. These activities are conducted across the full range of military operations independently or in coordination with operations of conventional forces to achieve political, military, psychological and economic objectives. Politicomilitary considerations may require clandestine, covert or discreet techniques and the acceptance of a degree of physical and political risk not associated with conventional operations. (UKR/NATO)
USA Operations requiring unique modes of employment, tactical techniques, equipment and training often conducted in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments and characterized by one or more of the following: time sensitive, clandestine, low visibility, conducted with and/or through indigenous forces, requiring regional expertise, and/or a high degree of risk. (JP 3-05)