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comp., MS valeur; valeur
econ. agric. évaluer
environ. R&D. matériau valorisable
forestr. inventaire; estimation
ling. substance; valeur linguistique
stat. scient. grandeur
| of
gen. en date du..
power of hydrogen
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | to phrases
value ['vælju:] n
busin., labor.org., account. évaluation f
comp. valeur f
comp., MS valeur f (A quantity assigned to an element such as a variable, symbol, or label); valeur f (A quantity assigned to an element such as a variable, symbol, or label)
econ. valeur d'usage
environ., R&D. matériau valorisable
fin., IT montant m
forestr. inventaire m; estimation f
life.sc., tech. brillance f; luminance f; éclat m
ling. substance m; valeur linguistique
scient., el. valeur instantanée
stat., scient. grandeur f; valeur d'une grandeur
to value ['vælju:] n
econ., agric. évaluer
α -value n
piez. coefficient d’absorption dans l’infrarouge; valeur α
to value ['vælju:] v
econ., agric. estimer
 English thesaurus
value ['vælju:] n
invest., abbr. val.
IT The relative worth or importance of an investment for an enterprise, as perceived by its key stakeholders, expressed as total life cycle benefits net of related costs, adjusted for risk and in the case of financial value the time value of money
slang aaaa (asdsad Jack_Shcherbakov)
therm.eng. v
VALUE ['vælju:] abbr.
abbr., avia. validated aircraft logistics utilization evaluation
value of power of
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Earth sciences1