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noun | noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
pit [pɪt] n
agric. ensiler
athlet. fossé m
build.struct. rein de route; puit m; soupirail m
chem. cheminée f; puisard m; bourbier m; mine f
coal. puit de mine; puits m
construct. mortaise f; excavation f; fouille f; soufflure superficielle
el. coeur fissile
fin. corbeille f; "pit" m; aire de négociation; groupe de cotation
hobby, cultur. parterre m
industr., construct., met. piqûre f; trou de piqûre; trou de sable; échignure f
IT microcuvette m; creux m
mech.eng. fond de la gaine; trémie f
med. fossette f
met. piqure f; four pit; pit m; fosse de coulée; coulée en fosse
nat.sc. ponctuation f
nucl.phys., radiat. creux d'attaque (chimique)
snd.rec. piqûres f
tech. fosse f
tech., chem. trou m
transp., mech.eng. cuvette f
water.res. trou d'infiltration; carrière f
pits n
industr., construct., met. piqûres f
met. corrosion localisée; piqûres de corrosion
to pit [pɪt] n
agric. ensiler
pit [pɪt] n
gen. stand m (de ravitaillement)
pitting ['pɪtɪŋ] v
gen. corrosion par piqûres
agric. dénoyautage; énoyautage; piqûres; plantation sur trous; trouaison
chem. soufflage; piqûre de corrosion; formation de piqûres de corrosion; formation de piqûres de rouille
industr., construct., chem. ligne de retirement
industr., construct., met. taraudage; érosion remontante
mater.sc., construct. formation de piqûres; écaillement
mater.sc., el. piquage
met. perforation; piqûre
nat.sc. ponctuation
pitting of plating ['pɪtɪŋ] v
min.prod., tech. rongement
 English thesaurus
pit [pɪt] abbr.
abbr. platoon
O&G pitted
PIT [pɪt] abbr.
abbr., auto. piezoelectric ring transducer; pitman
abbr., avia. pitch; programmed instruction text; press to talk
abbr., econ. partners in transition
abbr., med. pacing-induced tachycardia
abbr., mil., air.def. predetection integration time
abbr., mil., avia. parameter input tape
abbr., nautic. Pittsburgh Pa, U.S.A.
abbr., textile Provincial Institute of Textiles; fiber polytrimethylene terephthalate fiber
Pitts. [pɪt] abbr.
abbr. Pittsburgh
Pit [pɪt] abbr.
abbr., busin. pilot
PIT [pɪt] abbr.
abbr. pipe-line, invasion type; Penis Is Tiny; People In Touch; Personnel In Training; Personal Income Tax (schnuller)
abbr., account. personal income tax ('More)
abbr., avia. pack inlet temperature
abbr., comp., IT Programmable Interval Timer
abbr., comp., net. Powered Industrial Truck (ZVI-73)
abbr., dentist. periodontal infection therapy (iwona)
abbr., dril. pressure integrity test
abbr., earth.sc. particle interceptor trap; pile integrity tester; polar ionospheric trough
abbr., ed., scient. Pennsylvania Institute of Technology
abbr., el. partition information table; program instruction tape; progressive image transmission
abbr., file.ext. Compressed Macintosh file archive (PackIt)
abbr., fin. point-in-time rating
abbr., fishery passive integrated transponder
abbr., footb. Pittsburgh Steelers
abbr., gas.proc. pressure indicating transmitter (Fuat); pressure indicator transmitter (Fuat); preinsulated tube (Fuat)
abbr., law personal income tax (LadaP); Precision Immobilization Technique
abbr., math., scient. Positive Information Topology
abbr., mil. Photo Interpretation Tool
abbr., mil., WMD Process Improvement Team; push to talk
abbr., oil petroleum income tax; phase-inversion temperature; pipe inspection tool; pressure integral test; pull-in-tool; pump intake temperature; pump-in temperature; payment of technology transfer
abbr., product. physical inventory taking (MichaelBurov)
abbr., qual.cont. product improvement training
abbr., R&D. process improvement teams (Метран)
abbr., radio precision in-line tube
abbr., relig. Pray Invite Tell; Priest In Training
abbr., scottish Pilot Instructor Training
abbr., sport. Passport In Time
abbr., transp. Passive Integrated Transponder
abbr., UN, afr. Ivorian Workers Party
energ.ind., abbr. Pelton type impulse turbine; physical inventory taking; physical inventory testing; pre-installation test
mil. pilot-instructor training
mil., abbr. Polaris industrial team; performance improvement test; photographic interpretation technique; photointerpreter team; preinstallation test; production improvement test
: 675 phrases in 55 subjects
Amphibians and reptiles17
Animal husbandry3
Chemical fibers1
Earth sciences2
Energy industry4
Fish farming pisciculture1
Health care8
Hobbies and pastimes3
Hydraulic engineering1
Information technology3
International Monetary Fund2
Labor law1
Life sciences11
Materials science15
Measuring instruments1
Mechanic engineering25
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation16
Natural sciences56
Nuclear physics8
Pest control2
Pulp and paper industry1
Road works2
Soil science1
United Nations2
Waste management6
Water resources7
Wood processing1