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SKU abbr.
gen. USP
comp., MS UGS (An inventory dimension); référence (A unique identifier, usually alphanumeric, for a product. The SKU allows a product to be tracked for inventory purposes. An SKU can be associated with any item that can be purchased. For example, a shirt in style number 3726, size 8 might have a SKU of 3726-8)
hobby Union Suisse de Patinage
 English thesaurus
SKU abbr.
abbr. stock-keeping unit
abbr., avia. Skiros, Greece; site key user
abbr., comp. Shipping Kitting Unit (MasterK)
abbr., IT Stock Keeping Unit; Stock Known Unit
abbr., logist. stock keeping unit (ssn)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Security Kernel Unit
abbr., sport. Slovak Karate Union
abbr., textile Shelf Kit Unit
mil., abbr. stock keeping unit
SKU# abbr.
abbr., file.ext. Stock Keeping Unit Number
: 1 phrase in 1 subject