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CVO | fleet
avia. Canada parc aérien
fish.farm. tessure; té sure
fishery flottille; flottille de pêche
transp. parc
| maintenance
ed. frais d'entretien
IT entretien
polit. entretien

to phrases
 English thesaurus
CVO abbr.
abbr. commercial vehicle operations (Georgy Moiseenko); Child of Certain Veterans and Public Safety Officers Supplement Grant Program (4uzhoj)
abbr., earth.sc. cascade volcano observatory
abbr., health. clinic vigilance officer (Ying)
abbr., manag. chief visionary officer (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/CVO grafleonov); Chief Visionary Officer
abbr., med. College Of Veterinarians Of Ontario; Credentials Verification Organization; Counsellor Veterinary officer; circumventricular organ (s alia20); central venous oxygen
abbr., med., lat. conjugata vera obstetrica
abbr., mil., avia. carrier vessel reactor
abbr., oil confirming telephone order
abbr., org.name. Chief Veterinary Officer
abbr., sec.sys. clear voice override
abbr., textile Combined Certificate of Value and Origin
abbr., transp. Commercial Vehicle Operations
abbr., vet.med., med. College of Veterinarians of Ontario
: 1 phrase in 1 subject