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classification ['klæsɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] n
math. klassifisering; taksonómí
classification An arrangement or organization of persons, items or data elements into groups by reason of common attributes, characteristics, qualities or traits ['klæsɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] n
environ. klassifisering
 English thesaurus
classification ['klæsɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] n
invest., abbr. class.
IT A catalogue of attack patterns as "an abstraction mechanism for helping describe how an attack against vulnerable systems or networks is executed" published by the MITRE Corporation
mil., abbr. cl; clas; classn
mil., logist. Action preliminary to the information processing process intelligence cycle during which the collection of all kinds of information makes out a chronology of events and facilitates the subsequent exploitation. (FRA)
USA The determination that official information requires, in the interests of national security, a specific degree of protection against unauthorized disclosure, coupled with a designation signifying that such a determination has been made (JP 2-01.2) see also security classification
: 23 phrases in 3 subjects